This is the most comprehensive, reliable checking service available. So, don’t miss out on your opportunity to perfect your application, and increase your chances of achieving a job as a firefighter.
Comprehensive spelling and grammar checks.
Your application form will be checked by our application form experts to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors on your form.
Ensure you match the Leadership Framework behaviours
Our firefighter recruitment experts will check your responses to ensure they meet the requirements of a firefighter. Feedback will be provided on how to improve your application.
Quick Turnaround
A quick turn around on your first draft of your application check. You will receive feedback within 48 hours Monday to Thursday. Forms submitted on Fridays, will be returned the next Tuesday (Excludes bank holidays).
Do you want to have your firefighter application form checked by a former Fire Officer? Richard McMunn served in the fire service for 17 years in total. Now, he is here to help YOU ensure that your firefighter application form is the very best it can be!
This is the most comprehensive, reliable checking service available. So, don’t miss out on your opportunity to perfect your application, and increase your chances of achieving a job as a firefighter.

Dear Firefighter applicant,
My name is Richard McMunn and I am a former Fire Officer who served 17 years in Kent Fire and Rescue Service. Before I tell you about my Firefighter Application Form checking service, let me give you one really important tip that will help you to submit a strong application:
The application form is one of the first stages of the firefighter selection process and it is probably the hardest to get through. You will be applying along with many hundreds of other applicants and therefore your application form needs to be outstanding. In order to make your form truly outstanding, you need to have someone knowledgeable and experienced looking over it. As a former Fire Officer, I am the perfect person to help you do this.

We recommend that you take at least 5 evenings to complete the firefighter application form, splitting the form into manageable sections. Application forms are not easy to complete and you should take your time and not rush, as this is likely to result in errors leading to failure.
That being said, you must also ensure that you have plenty of time prior to the deadline for applications, so always check the closing date first!
Arguably, the most difficult part of the firefighter application form is the section based around the NFCC Leadership Framework Behaviours. During this section, you will be asked situations from the past where you had to deal with certain issues or scenarios. What is important to remember with these questions is that you are being assessed against the competencies and behaviours of a firefighter, and you must demonstrate these in your answers.
As a vital part of your preparation you must take the time to study the Leadership Framework in depth to ensure you not only know what it means, but also to understand which of the behaviours each questions is referring to. This will assist you to respond accordingly.

With any application form it is essential, that you read the guidance notes in full to ensure you have a full understanding of what is required. Pay particular attention to word count on competency or values-based questions, and never exceed it. You should also never leave a section blank. For example, if you are asked to add further information in support of your application, use this section as an opportunity to sell yourself as the stand-out candidate.
Before you even start to complete your firefighter application form, read the following important notes:
Firefighters do not generally retire before their determined retirement date. The reason for this is because it is an exceptional job. Fire Services rarely advertise firefighter posts, so the competition is very fierce when firefighter vacancies do eventually become available. Therefore your application needs to be very good.
Picture the scene – a Fire Service assessor has been marking application forms for the last two weeks. It is late Friday afternoon and they come across your application form. Your application form is hard to read, full of grammar errors and is incomplete in a number of sections. Do you think the form will get through? The answer is no. It is crucial that your application form is concise, easy to read, neat, and completed in all the relevant sections.
Take your time to complete a solid application. If you have the time, spend a week completing the form and answer the assessable questions in draft first before committing pen to paper. If you are completing an online application then complete your responses in draft first using notepad or a similar tool.
Whenever I prepare for something in life I always formulate a ‘plan’. Let’s take a look at how I would personally plan/prepare for the firefighter application form.
I would make sure that I read all of the information contained within the guidance notes before I started to complete the application form. I would also highlight the key areas within the guidance notes that I needed to follow. If I did not follow the guidance notes carefully then my application could be rejected. When writing my application, I would make sure that it was easy to read, concise and that it answered the questions exactly as required. It is my job to make the application form easy to mark. If the assessor had been marking scores of applications, then I would want to make it easy for them.
When completing your application form keep a copy of the above points next to you, so that they act as an important reminder.
I am now offering a unique service that will check your application form for grammatical and/or spelling errors, but also provide you with essential INSIDER advice and tips on how to complete your form correctly.


- Get your application form checked by a former serving firefighter before you submit it;
- We provide a timely and fast turnaround service to ensure you won’t miss a deadline and give you enough time to make the changes we recommend;
- We will return your form to you via email, including feedback, within 48 hours of receiving your completed form. This excludes weekends where there will be a longer wait.
- Tailored feedback for all applications.

Pass the Firefighter Application Stage. First Time.
Let our firefighter recruitment experts check your application form. Enhance your chances of success with this comprehensive service.
Grammar & Spelling
Our experts will check your entire application form for spelling and grammatical issues, providing expert feedback and improvement tips.
Our firefighter recruitment expert will analyse your responses based on the competencies and provide feedback .
Our firefighter recruitment experts will analyse your responses based on the motivational questions and provide feedback .
fast 48 hour turn-around
Our team will check and return your form with our expert analysis and feedback within 48 hours (Monday to Thursday). Orders placed over the weekend will take slightly longer.
Customer Success Stories
Having helped 1,000s of aspiring firefighters for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…

Useful to get prepare to become a firefighter.


Useful and informative with lots of tips and extras – makes you think and question yourself. – very helpful.

I have brought a few books from the makers of how2become and it is my point of call when I need information on the requirements of how to become a firefighter and the details involved to get you into your chosen career. I would definitely recommend this.

Perfect first book of having an idea of becoming a Firefighter, to get an understanding of what it would involve. This is just the initial stage.
There are more in-depth books by How2Become that go into detail of other sections of the application process after being successful of the application.


- Get your application form checked by a former serving FIREFIGHTER before you submit it;

- We provide a timely and fast turnaround service to ensure you won’t miss a deadline and give you enough time to make the changes we recommend.

- We will return your form to you via email, including feedback, within 48 hours of receiving your completed form. This excludes weekends where there will be a longer wait.

- Our firefighter recruitment expert will analyse your responses based on the Leadership Framework and provide feedback.

- Our experts will check your entire application form for spelling and grammatical issues, providing expert feedback and improvement tips.

- Insider tips and advice on how to improve your application.

- Our police recruitment experts will analyse your responses based on the motivational questions and provide feedback.

- Tailored analysis and feedback for every application.




Firstly, these guides are created by us and our team of experts – we have all the answers to your questions and will help you succeed (like we’ve been doing for the last 16 years), we update our material frequently and you can contact us at any time with any questions you have.
Secondly, we provide exclusive bonuses with all our products that you won’t find anywhere else. These bonuses include free guides, powerful online testing suites and more!
Finally, our guides and training just work. Take a look at our TrustPilot page where you will see our rating of 4.9/5. There, our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they are now firefighters).

We’ve helped 1,000s of aspiring applicants in their journey to becoming firefighters across the UK. Trust the UK’s #1 careers and education specialists to help you secure your role.
Get instant access »“Excellent, I purchased this for the sole reason of getting the leadership framework section of the application right, my application was accepted and I’m on to the next stage so absolutely thrilled.”