How to Become a Game Designer
Breaking into the computer games industry is a tough process.
It is an exciting and expanding modern industry that is attracting many creative people from all over the world but this is creating an increasing amount of competition for job roles.
Our comprehensive download guide will teach you how to get ANY JOB within the video game industry. It lists the jobs available, how to get them and is full of insider tips written by a game developer with over 10 years’ industry experience and recruitment expert.

To become a Game Designer you will need to:
- Understand the structure and the roles within the industry.
- Build your skills and knowledge to suit your desired role.
- Network to get yourself noticed and be the person to contact when a new job is available
- Build up a professional portfolio that shows off what you are capable of
- Produce a CV that stands out and gets you that all-important interview.
- Learn what it takes to pass your interview and get your dream job first time.
Traditionally as a game designer you will be most likely working for a development studio. The developer creates the game which is then handed over to the publisher whom will distribute your game to its market. ‘Indie’ developers are becoming more and more common and more sought after by smaller companies and game projects – now is the time to enter this industry.
If you are at the stage where you don’t know much about the games industry or the jobs available then it is important to know there are many roles within the game industry. To help, you can initially ask yourself these questions:
“What makes a good game?”
“What aspects do I find enjoyable?”
“Do I have a talent for art?”
“Do I have good problem solving skills?”
“Do I have an interest in sound?”
“Am I good at coding?”
“Do I enjoy making sure everything is in working order?”
The answers to these questions may help you decide which one of these broad areas of the games industry that you’d enjoy:
- Art
- Audio
- Coding/Programming
- Production
- Quality Assurance (Game Tester)
*Top Tip* By collecting at least four job adverts placed by employers for the roles you are interested in you can see exactly what is required and what skills you will need to acquire at a personal level and an educational level.
Top Tips for breaking into the game industry

Game Designer, Joshua Brown's Testimonial
“Dear Applicant, I know what a hard time it can be trying to get a job, especially one in such a fast moving and competitive industry such as that of the games industry. As well as achieving a BA (Hons) degree in game design, I have over 10 years’ experience as a game designer working in companies as well as freelancing my expertise as a 3D artist remotely. I have worked with many professionals on recruitment in my career and I have built up a large portfolio in my time so far. So I know precisely what is needed for YOU to get any Game Designer job.
I began writing my book on How2Become a Game Designer to not only help people successfully obtain a career within the Games Industry but also as it is a topic and an area of my life that I have a strong passion and enjoyment in. I’m sure my book will be of invaluable use to you and anyone trying to break into the game industry whether for a job as a game tester, game artist, game programmer, audio engineer or writer; this book is the perfect starting point for beginners whilst offering essential in-depth tips for university graduates or more experienced game devs to achieve the job they want. In my book I have shared real life CVs, ACTUAL Interview Questions with detailed answers and professional portfolio building tips. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing my book and I hope that you get as much enjoyment in reading it.”
Best Wishes
Joshua Brown

This 150-page guide is a MUST HAVE guide which will help you prepare fully for your Game Designer job interview. Packed full of interview tips, sample questions and answers it is the perfect guide to use in conjunction with Joshua Brown’s guide. This guide will be delivered to you electronically by email within a few seconds of your order being placed.