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Psychometric Tests are an increasingly common way for employers to assess potential candidates, before employing them. These tests help recruiters to gauge candidates’ ability in attributes such as:
- Numerical Reasoning.
- Verbal Reasoning.
- Diagrammatic Reasoning.
- Intellectual Ability.
By using these aptitude tests, employers can evaluate how capable applicants are in certain skills or abilities, which will be crucial to the job. Within this fantastic guide, we have provided you with all of the information you will need in all of the areas of aptitude testing. Aptitude tests are used to provide an objective overview of applicants, which do not focus on categories such as education, previous experience or even appearance. Psychometric testing allows candidates to be assessed on their strengths, weaknesses, working style, performance and efficiency, according to which is the most suitable to the job for which they are applying.
The large majority of psychometric tests are now performed online, but this can vary depending on the employer. They are primarily used as a screening process, to filter the weakest candidates out of the selection process. Sometimes, you might be required to sit this type of assessment before you have even been offered an interview, or you might be invited to attend an assessment centre, where you will take the test alongside other candidates.
A psychometric test is centred around the key attributes that are required for the job to which you are applying. The most common types of aptitude tests are:

Numerical Reasoning
This type of test measures your skills in: mental arithmetic, data interpretation, quantitative reasoning, speed/distance/time, charts and graphs.
Verbal Ability
This type of test measures your skills in: spelling, punctuation, grammar, reading and comprehension.

Non-Verbal Reasoning
This type of test measures your skills in: spatial, abstract and inductive reasoning.
This type of test measures your skills in: work rates, numerical visual comparisons and dot concentration tests.

Checking Tests
This type of test measures your skills in: dials and switches.

Sample Psychometric Test Questions
To help you get a better understanding of what a psychometric test consists of, let’s take a quick look at a few sample questions.

Numerical Reasoning Tests cover a wide range of mathematical topics. It is therefore imperative that, prior to taking the test, you have an understanding of the skills and knowledge required to solve mathematical problems.
Top Tips for Numerical Reasoning:
- Make sure you practice your mathematical skills. The numerical reasoning test will be extremely difficult if you are not good at maths. Therefore, you need to practice your adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. You should also practice fractions, percentages and ratios.
- Try practising numerical test questions in your head, without writing down your calculations. This is excellent practice for the real test. You should also practice without the use of a calculator.
Below is a sample Numerical Reasoning question, similar to what you would see in your test:
1. Below is a spinner. Circle the chance of the spinner landing on an odd number.
A: 6/6
B. 4/6
C. 1/2
D. 1/3
Answer: A, 6/6.
Explanation: The spinner only contains odd numbers. Therefore, no matter what number it lands on, you will always spin an odd number.

Verbal Reasoning tests are designed to assess your ability to understand words, language and comprehension. In order to pass these tests, you will need to demonstrate a good understanding of English based written information.
Top Tips for Verbal Reasoning:
- Find out how many minutes you have to complete the test. Usually, Verbal Reasoning tests are conducted under strict time limits. Therefore, you need to work on your timing skills in order to enhance your overall performance.
- Brush up on your vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Verbal ability tests aim to evaluate your level of literary ability.
Below is a sample Verbal Reasoning question, similar to what you would see in your test:
1. Circle the answer sentence that is grammatically correct-
A. Graduates are finding it more difficult to get a job that is relevant to there studies.
B. Graduates our finding it more difficult to get a job that its releveant to their studies.
C. Graduates are finding it more difficult to get a job that is relevant to their studies.
D. Graduate’s are finding it more difficult to get a job that is relevant to their studies.
Answer: C
Explanation: A uses the wrong ‘there’, and therefore is incorrect. B uses the wrong ‘our’ and ‘relevant’ is spelt incorrectly. D uses an apostrophe incorrectly in ‘graduate’s’, and is therefore incorrect. C is the most grammatically logical sentence. Therefore C is the answer.

Non-Verbal Reasoning tests are used to assess a candidate’s ability to recognise shapes and patterns. The questions appear in both diagrammatic and pictorial form, and can be broken up into 3 separate categories: Spatial Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning and Inductive Reasoning.
Top Tips for Non-Verbal Reasoning:
- Drawing or writing out your answers is a fantastic way to better understand the question. It will help you to visualise the problem.
- You can also use highlighters to help distinguish your answers. This is really useful if you are counting shapes, or calculating angles.
Below is a sample non-verbal reasoning question, similar to what you would see in your test:
1. Find the odd one out.
Answer: B
Explanation: Figures A, C and D all contain 3 lines, whereas B contains 4 lines. This makes it the odd one out. Therefore the answer is B.

Concentration tests are a way for recruiters to determine how skilled you are at undertaking tasks which require high levels of concentration. These tests require great attention to detail. You will usually be provided with a large set of information that you will need to take in quickly, and using that information, work out the answer.
Top Tips for Concentration Tests:
- Make sure you practice these questions under timed conditions. Not only do you need to work on getting the answers correct, but the time limit is extremely restrictive, and thus in order to pass you will need to enhance your ability to work quickly through the questions.
- In order to become proficient at these tests, it is important to revise visual comparison tests based on both numbers and alpha-numbers.
Below is a sample concentration question, similar to what you would see in your test:
1. Circle the answer option that corresponds with the code 915.
Answer: D
Explanation: If you had to find the code that corresponded with 915, you could use the answer option D. You would take the 9 from the first row, the 1 from the second row, and then take the circle. This uses the same columns as originally stated.

Mechanical Comprehension tests have been used for many years as a method of assessing a candidate’s ability to perform a specific role. Predominately, they are used in careers which require an ability to work with, or understand, mechanical and technical concepts.
Top Tips for Mechanical Comprehension:
- The majority of employers will assess you on your speed and accuracy. Therefore, you are advised against random ‘guessing’. In order to prevent estimations, practice more and more. Test administrators will deduct marks for incorrect answers. During the preparation for your assessment, we recommend that you practice lots of test questions in order to understand how the answer is reached.
- If you encounter a difficult question during your Mechanical Comprehension test, move on, but remember to leave a gap on the answer sheet. You may fill in the following questions and then come back later.
Below you will find a sample Mechanical Comprehension question, similar to what you would see in the real test.
1. Which of the pendulums will swing at the fastest speed?
Answer: D
Explanation: The fastest swinging pendulum will be figure D. The position of the rectangle determines how fast the pendulum will swing. It will be at its slowest at Point A. The higher the rectangle, the faster it will swing.

Checking tests are more commonly used during assessments for roles that require high levels of technical competency. You will normally be required to assess different dials or switches in order to identify where a particular fault lies. Alternatively, you may be required to use ‘priority checking tables’ to assist you during the analysis stage.
Top Tips for Checking Tests:
- Checking tests require great levels of concentration. You can improve your checking test scores by practising other aptitude tests such as concentration ability tests.
- Make sure you focus on each diagram/image very carefully. You do not want to miss important information.
Below you will find a sample Checking Test question, similar to what you would see in the real test.
1. Which switch in the sequence is not working?
Switch Function of the Switch
X Turns B and D on/off. I.e. black to white and vice versa.
Y Turns C and D on/off. I.e. black to white and vice versa.
Z Turns A and D on/off. I.e. black to white and vice versa.
Answer: Y
Explanation: The first switch to operate is ‘X’, which has the effect of turning circles B and D from black to white, and vice versa. Once switch ‘X’ operates, circle C is the only circle that is black. You will notice that the box on the right side is now identical to this, which means the next switch, switch Y, must be inoperative.


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