Front End Developer Interview Questions and Answers Practice Resource

21 Front End Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Pass YOUR interview at the first attempt!


Q1. Tell me about yourself and why you want to become a Front End Developer?


“Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this front end developer position today. I am a confident, positive, eager, and skilled front end developer who, over the years, has accumulated a wide range of abilities, traits, and skills that will ensure I will do well in this position. I have a great deal of experience working both independently and as a member of a team on difficult, time-sensitive front end development projects that call for exceptional creative and technical abilities as well as the capacity to ensure that all work is optimized across a wide range of platforms. Since I take my work as a front end developer seriously, I always make sure my skills and knowledge are kept up to date with the latest best practices and techniques in this ever-evolving field. Outside of work I am driven by my family who are fully supportive of my career and any potential shift work or overtime that comes with the job. I enjoy hobbies such as going to the gym where I can maintain healthy fitness and concentration levels.If you employ me as your front end developer, I can assure you that I will integrate into your team fast, always put the business goals of your company first, and continuously produce work of the highest calibre. I would be proud to work for your brand and deliver first-class value to your clients.”


“For me, one of the biggest challenges I have experienced is to ensure there is excellent communication from everyone in the entire development lifecycle. I have learned that strong communication benefits everyone, from being able to communicate key design concepts and best practices. I have seen teams with too much freedom create really good code, but it doesn’t gel well with what the rest of the team has produced and vice versa, with too little freedom, I have seen people get bored and not create code that is up to the project standard. The right balance must be found, and communication of this is key. Likewise, making sure SEO concepts are communicated to editors and developers is essential and will benefit everyone. It’s also important to ensure that as a developer, I make the site easy to maintain for site editors. Another big challenge is many development teams focus on areas like minifying JavaScript and CSS, reducing HTTP requests, avoid Javascript blocking, etc., when trying to optimize performance on front end applications. And whilst I fully agree these are areas that need attention, once they have been prioritized and once so much has been fixed, I often find the most significant increase to front end performance is a bottleneck somewhere. I usually use applications like New Relic to track down the bottlenecks and help me locate the code, which, if done manually, can be a real challenge. Often code needs to be rewritten to scale successfully, and on occasion, I have witnessed network connections between the database and web hosts where there are infrastructure issues.”


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To render webpages for users, front end developers employ HTML languages. As website projects develop, their duties may change, but they may also involve:

    • talking with website designers and, occasionally, clients about the intended use of the website
    • assessing the wireframes and website mockups that website designers provide
    • reporting faults in the back end to back end developers and debugging the front end
    • recognising and utilising content management system built-in developer features
    • utilising code provided by back end developers to create webpages that adhere to specifications
    • maintaining websites for long-term clientele and implementing needed design and content modifications


A front end developer candidate that is successful will possess a variety of prerequisite abilities and credentials, such as:

    • proficiency in a number of coding languages, such as HTML, Javascript, CSS, and JQuery
    • Debugging websites with diagnostic precision and problem-solving
    • dealing with cloud systems with proficiency, including Azure and Amazon Web Services
    • When working with web designers and clients, use artistic creativity
    • proficiency with e-commerce and content management platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla
    • knowledge of accessibility, conversion optimization, and usability best practises


You can better prepare for your Front End Developer interview by using the following advice. More importantly, they will provide you an advantage over your rivals.

The following three crucial topics will take up the majority of your Front End Developer interview:


  1. Your capacity to meet the requirements for the role;
  2. Your web development expertise, which enables you to meet the business requirements of your organisation;
  3. What you can bring to the job that is extra and not necessary

Consider the three areas above as you prepare for your interview. Verify your qualifications against those needed by downloading a copy of the job description/person specification for the position of front end developer for which you are applying.


Technical web development interview questions will be asked of you, including those focusing on your project management skills, CSS, HTML, JAVA, and SEO. You can make sure you are able to respond to all of the questions that are likely to be asked of you during the interview by brushing up on your technical skills.


Despite the fact that you are undoubtedly a highly skilled front end developer, be sure to list the many processes you will take when working on a web development project before you go to the interview. Avoid thinking off the top of your head during interviews as most applicants do! When describing your own particular front end development project process, make sure you have a predetermined amount of steps prepared to discuss.


“What questions will I be asked at my interview?” is one of the more frequent queries made by candidates preparing for Front End Developer interviews. Based on the research we have conducted, the 21 questions included on this page are the ones that have been asked the most frequently over the past 12 months. When preparing for your Front End Developer job interview, be sure to have responses to each one ready!

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Question 1,
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Question 2,
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Question 3,
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Question 4,
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Question 5,
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Question 6,
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Question 7,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 8,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

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Question 9,
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Question 10,
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Question 11,
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Question 12,
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Question 13,
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Question 14,
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Question 15,
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Question 16,
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Question 17,
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Question 18,
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Question 19,
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Question 20,
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How2Become Interview Question and Answer 21

Question 21,
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For just £4.99 get the UNIQUE ANSWERS to all 21 FRONT END DEVELOPER INTERVIEW questions to help you PASS YOUR INTERVIEW!

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In addition to the 21 FRONT END DEVELOPER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS, you will also receive the following BONUSES:

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A-Z Interview Slide Deck by Richard McMunn

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Why should we hire you? Slide Deck – Get Richard’s slides to one of the most asked interview questions including – a full break down of the question, how to answer it, and a sample response that will get top marks every time!

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What are your hobbies and Interests? Slide Deck – this PDF slide deck includes Richard’s breakdown of an extremely common interview question that is often overlooked by most candidates in their preparation. Discover how you can stand out from other candidates by supplying a tailored and successful answer!

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7 COMMON Interview Questions and Answers Slide Deck – In this free bonus you will get access to the 7 most common interview questions that are nearly always guaranteed to come up in your interview! Plus Richard details what the employer wants to hear in your answers, and provides sample answers to those common questions to help you PASS!

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Bonus 7

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job Slide Deck – As part of your order, you will also get access to this powerful guide which includes: why the interviewer is asking you this question, 3 things you MUST INCLUDE in your answer to this tough interview question, what to say if you have lost your job, been fired or made redundant, and 3 BRILLIANT ANSWERS!

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Tell me about a time you failed? Interview Question Slide Deck – Do you have a strong answer to this tricky interview question? Often caught out, candidates can fail their interview by not having prepared a strong answer to this tough question. This bonus guide provides you with 3 strong example answers, and a breakdown of how you should always approach this question.

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Bonus 9

Tell me about a time you had conflict at work? Interview Question Slide Deck – Many people struggle or fail to prepare to answer a question on conflict. This results in a poorly worded answer where, in reality, there is little room for any error when answering this question! Included as a bonus, you will get Richard’s insight to this question, top tips, and 3 BRILLIANT ANSWERS you can use!

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Bonus 10

What are your salary expectations? Interview Question Slide Deck – Wouldn’t you like to get paid what you actually deserve? This tricky interview question has multiple meaning that you need to consider cafefully when answering, but there is a golden response you can use! Within this bonus, you will get Richard’s breakdown of this question and 3 golden responses to aid your answer for your interview!

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Bonus 11

Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview Slide Deck – No matter what interview you have, you should always ask THESE questions at the end to impress your new employer! Discover in this bonus guide why it is important to ask questions at the end of your interview, BRILLIANT TIPS for asking questions that will IMPRESS THE INTERVIEWER every time, and 7 BRILLIANT QUESTIONS you can ASK at the end of your job interview! (All roles included!).

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7 MOST Difficult Interview Questions! Slide Deck – In this exclusive bonus you will get an additional set of unique answers to the 7 most difficult interview questions and answers that recruiters ask at the majority of interviews! Ensure you have the best preparation for these challenging questions, free with your order!

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*We want you to know: This is a subscription service that is charged at just £27+vat per month after the 30-day trial expires. No minimum term. If you cancel before the 30-day trial ends, you will not be charged. Please see our terms for full details.

Important: The above bonuses cannot be purchased anywhere else individually on this site. Order the 21 FRONT END DEVELOPER Interview Questions & Answers guide today to get free access.

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Who has created the answers to the interview questions?

Richard McMunn is a former Fire Officer turned interview coach who has over 20 years experience within the recruitment industry.

He is extremely passionate about helping people pass their interviews, and his success rate is unrivalled within the interview training sector.

Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition.



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Thirdly, our interview guides and training just work. Take a look at our customer reviews and feedback where our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their job interview).

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