H2B How to pass an intray or etray assessment download


Sample test questions and answers for in-tray and e-tray assessments.

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H2B How to pass an intray or etray assessment


Sample test questions and answers for in-tray and e-tray assessments.

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In-Tray and E-Tray Exercises Download

If you’re heading into a graduate scheme, or any kind of role that requires situational judgement and organisational skills, it’s quite possible that you’ll be required to pass an In-Tray or E-Tray assessment. These exercises are designed to assess how well you can read, interpret, and apply information to a range of situations. Likewise, you’ll be tested on your prioritisation skills, as well as whether you meet the core competencies of the role which you are applying for.


In-Tray is a paper-based exercise which simulates an office environment. The goal of the exercise is to be similar to a normal working day for the job which you are applying for. Therefore, In-Tray is an excellent way to measure a candidate’s ability and see whether they work in a way which is conducive to the job and business as a whole.

In-Tray exercises are timed assessments, and candidates are usually given somewhere between one and two hours to complete them. In a sense, the In-Tray exercise is like a role play exercise. You are asked to assume a role, detailed in the ‘background information’ section of the exercise. Then, under the specification given, you are expected to complete the tasks presented to you.

Generally speaking, this involves being given a collection of tasks to complete: your job is not only to complete these tasks, but to also prioritise them in an order which means you’re most likely to complete them all in time.

In-Tray and E-Tray Exercises Download


E-Tray exercises are simulations of possible scenarios you might encounter whilst at a computer workspace. Unlike In-Tray exercises, which are completed on paper, E-Tray exercises are completed online, so you’ll need access to a computer in order to complete them. You are tested via a series of emails and requests which arrive in a virtual email inbox.

The E-Tray Exercise is divided into three sections:

How2Become E-tray exercises reading comprehension

Reading and Comprehending Background Information

You will be expected to read a series of documents giving you introductory information about the role you will be fulfilling during the exercise. The information in this section will be vital for completing the E-Tray exercise.

Identifying the Least and Most Effective Responses to a Series of Emails

You will be given a number of emails, all of which come with a series of responses. You will need to choose the best and worst responses.

How2Become e-tray exercises ranking email responses
How2Become E-tray exercises writing a response

Writing a Response

In this section, you will need to write a response based on the information in the exercise. This is a written section of prose which you will need to construct, which means that your written communication skills will be tested.

In-Tray and E-Tray Exercises Download


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In-Tray and E-Tray Exercises Download
  • Explanations for both In-Tray and E-Tray exercises, including assessment criteria, types of question, and test format;
  • Expert tips for both the In-Tray and E-Tray exercises, giving you the best possible chances of success;
  • Clear guidance throughout takes you from the beginning to the end of your In-Tray or E-Tray process;
  • Sample questions and practice questions to give you an idea of what the real test will look like, as well as giving you a chance to practice;
  • All of the above written in a clear, easy-to-read format which will make learning how to pass In-Tray and E-Tray exercises much easier!
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Sample In-Tray Test Question

To help you get a better understanding of what an in-tray test involves, let’s take a quick look at a sample question.

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In-Tray Test Practice Question


To: You

Subject: Acting Manager


Congratulations and thank you for taking on Andrew’s responsibilities as manager of the copywriting team while he’s away. We all appreciate that you have a lot on your plate with your own tasks, so we hope that the workload from managing the team won’t be too extreme.

As you know, Andrew likes to meet with each of his team members for a ten-to-fifteen minute catch-up once every two weeks. Andrew informed me on Friday that his last catch-up with the team was two weeks ago. Therefore, it would be great if you could get in touch with the rest of the team and find a time to meet with each of them. You’re probably well aware of what’s going on between everyone on the team, so hopefully a catch-up will be straight-forward. Please organise these for the end of the day.

In addition, I’d like you to take a look at some possible clients with projects that the team will be working on. I’ll send a brief report with each of the clients’ projects sometime later today, but if you could also decide on which (if any) of the clients to work with by the end of the day would also be excellent.

If you have any queries, or have any questions about your new role, don’t be afraid to get in touch.


Linda Peterson,

Managing Director

Task 1

Choose the most effective and least effective course of action:

  Most Effective Least Effective

Hold a group catch-up with the entire copywriting team to save time.



Email or chat to each of the copywriting team members to find a time which suits them.


Ask Andrea to send you a list of times which are likely to suit the copywriting team.    
Choose a time which suits you for each catch-up meeting.


It’s extremely important that you prioritise each task set out before you. Generally speaking, there are three criteria which you should use in order to prioritise your tasks:

  1. Urgency – The closer the deadline, the sooner it needs to be done. As a rule, you shouldn’t leave any of these tasks until the last minute, because you never know if another task might appear and take precedence. Complete tasks based on their urgency as much as possible.
  2. Size and Complexity – The bigger a document, or the more complex a task, the more time it’s going to take to complete it effectively. You should try and complete the bigger tasks as soon as possible so that you can get them out of the way, making room for the smaller tasks.
  3. Importance – This is slightly more abstract than the other criteria, since the importance of a task will depend on your scenario. For example, if you receive a task from the director of the company you’re working for, then it might take precedence over a task assigned by a team-mate. There’s no real trick to this: just use your own judgement to figure out which tasks are more important than others.

While a lot of the key information will be supplied in the background information document, there might be more key details in the other items for the entire exercise. Therefore, it’s important that you read every document before you get started, since some new information in a document could change everything about how you approach the tasks.

In addition, reading every item before getting started allows you to prioritise everything effectively. You don’t have to read each piece closely before starting since you’ll do that later, but at least skim through each document for important details before starting on anything.

You don’t have to complete every task yourself. In some cases, you’ll have the opportunity to delegate tasks to other ‘members of staff’. Of course, these aren’t actual people, but if you can justify why you’re assigning the task to them then this is acceptable.

As part of the background information package, you might be given a chart listing relevant staff members at the company. While this can be used for completing tasks (such as figuring out who to forward a letter to), you might also be allowed to assign a task to a relevant staff member.

For example, you receive a note asking you to deal with a refund request. The company policy states that all refund requests must be processed by Katie, the Head of Quality Assurance at the company. In this case, it would be completely acceptable to delegate the task to her to complete.

In some cases, you will be asked to find a suitable individual to assign a specific task to. For example, your manager might have noticed that there was an issue with the office printer, and someone is required to get in touch with the manufacturer to resolve the problem. Your manager may specifically ask you to deal with this, or they might suggest that you find someone else to do it. In this case, you would try to find an individual with the clearest schedule as well as the best qualifications for the role.

In other cases, you might not be asked to delegate a task, but it’s appropriate given your workload or qualification. If this is the case, try to find an individual who is most suited for the task.


In-Tray and E-Tray Exercises Download
  • Explanations for both In-Tray and E-Tray exercises, including assessment criteria, types of question, and test format;
  • Expert tips for both the In-Tray and E-Tray exercises, giving you the best possible chances of success;
  • Clear guidance throughout takes you from the beginning to the end of your In-Tray or E-Tray process;
  • Sample questions and practice questions to give you an idea of what the real test will look like, as well as giving you a chance to practice;
  • All of the above written in a clear, easy-to-read format which will make learning how to pass In-Tray and E-Tray exercises much easier!
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Pass Your In-Tray or E-Tray Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your assessment.


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Pass Your In-Tray or E-Tray Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your assessment.

Customer Success Stories

Having helped 1,000s of people pass their assessment tests for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…

 I would recommend it for the somewhat easier Entry-level Civil Service exams (non-FastStream), this book will have your confidence at 100% (not hyperbole), you will be ready I promise.

This book is a book for life and once you master it, you will never be scared of aptitude tests again.

Having recently sat the FastStream Graduate entry scheme into the Civil Service and F/CO I can confirm the style of question and the format and responses (multiple choice) are 90-95% similar to the exams I just sat which is fantastic.


Having purchased MANY MANY books ranging from IQ to Aptitude: personality, VR, Numeracy et al this book is exactly what you need for both E-TRAY and IN-TRAY. This book will make you a smarter and thriftier individual ready to work in public service and be a bureaucrat (if that’s your wish).


Complete guidance to ensure you pass the selection tests.

  • What you can expect from your In-Tray or E-Tray assessment.
  • How you will be assessed and what you must learn to score highly.
  • Tips on how to prioritise tasks, based on what employers are looking for.
  • Plenty of practice In-Tray and E-Tray questions.
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In-Tray and E-Tray Exercises Download

✓ What you can expect from your e-tray or in-tray assessment;
✓ How you will be assessed and what you must learn to score highly;
✓ Learn how to prioritise tasks based on what employers are looking for;
✓ Plenty of practice in-tray and e- tray questions;
✓ Example answers with detailed explanations to help you learn;
✓ Improve your speed with our mock exercises;
✓ Boost your score using the quick and concise strategies contained with the guide;
✓ Step-by- step guidance on how to answer each question type;
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“Great variety of question types, exposes areas of weakness and gives you the means to improve. Clear and concise. Confidence builder. Great practice!”