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How to pass bankers tests


Use this online guide and practice questions to pass bank assessment centres and to help get any banking job for both high street and investment banks such as:

  • HSBC;
  • JPMorgan Chase;
  • Goldman Sachs;
  • Morgan Stanley;
  • Citigroup;
  • Barclays Investment Bank;
  • And others such as Lloyds Banking Group, TSB, Halifax, Nationwide, Santander, RBS, RBC, Credit Suisse, Metro, and Deutsche Bank.

How2Become Reviews 5 Star Rating from TrustPilot

Online Banking Tests + free bonus guides


The Online Bankers Test is an assessment designed to evaluate the skills required by candidates applying for roles with investment banks such as HSBC, Lloyds and Barclays. The purpose of the test is to make sure that applicants have the essential and desired competencies in order to meet the standard set by individual investment banks all over the UK.

The test is usually taken as part of a larger bankers application process – after the initial application, but before the telephone/online interview stage. All candidates will have to sit a maths test, but may also have to do verbal and logical reasoning, personality tests, and situational judgement exercises. The aim of this course is to give you testing materials, allowing you to prepare for the online bankers test with some online bankers test questions. On top of this, you’ll be able to access online bankers test answers so that you can mark your own work and figure out where you need to improve.

Jobs at these banks are highly competitive, which means that banks thoroughly test all of the candidates so that they can get the very best applicants for each role. These banks employ thousands of people across the UK and the world, with a wide range of roles available. If you are planning on applying to any investment bank in the UK, it’s quite likely that you’ll need to sit the Online Bankers Test. Therefore, you’ll want to get some online bankers test practice, including online bankers test questions.

Online Banking Tests + free bonus guides


UK investment banks use the online bankers test for most applications, including:

  • Internships;
  • Graduate Schemes;
  • Experienced candidates.

Essentially, if you intend on working for an investment bank in the UK, you must be prepared to sit the online bankers test. Bear in mind that aptitude tests for each bank will vary.


While there’s the HSBC Online Bankers Test, the following investment banks require aptitude tests:

  • JPMorgan Chase;
  • Goldman Sachs;
  • Morgan Stanley;
  • Citigroup;
  • Barclays Investment Bank;
  • Credit Suisse;
  • Deutsche Bank;
  • Lloyds Banking Group.


While it’s incredibly challenging, the online bankers test is usually only part of the overall application for a role at an investment bank in the UK. Generally speaking, the application process includes the following stages:

Banker selection process - application form


This is the first step in the bankers’ application process. Here, you’ll have to give the potential employer a copy of your CV (usually, this is done via uploading it to them). In your CV, you’ll need to include your qualifications, personal details, as well as relevant prior work experience. You may also need to write answers to a number of competency questions. These are used to gauge your motivations, interest, and whether you possess the core values of the bank that you’re applying for a role with.


As the second stage of the bankers’ application process, this is the first major ‘vetting’ step. This means that failure to score highly enough here could end your application. This assessment is usually split into a number of categories, which will be discussed in more detail below. These tests will be taken online via a computer, so make sure you have a device that you can sit them with.

The online bankers test will consist of at least one numerical test (sometimes known as number speed & accuracy), with the possibility of verbal (such as reasoning, perceptual speed and word meaning tests), logical, situational judgement, Non-Verbal Reasoning (spatial visualisation), and personality tests as well.

The number of tests you’ll have to take will depend on the position that you are applying for, and the bank that you’re applying to work at. Find out beforehand and prepare accordingly.

Banker selection process - online bankers test
Banker selection process - phone interview


If you’re successful during the tests, you’ll be invited for an interview via telephone or internet. You’ll be informed what the method of contact will be in advance.

The length of this interview will vary depending on the role and the employer, but generally will take somewhere between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Here, you’ll be asked questions on banking core competencies, with a focus on the core competencies of the bank you’re applying for (e.g. HSBC banking core competencies).

You may also be asked questions about things in your CV, such as qualifications and previous job experience. Make sure to read the core competencies as well as your CV shortly before this interview.


This stage of the investment banker application process is usually reserved for those applying for internships and graduate schemes. If you exhibit the correct motivations and competencies during the telephone interview, you might be invited to an assessment centre. Here, you’ll have to complete various tests and exercises to demonstrate your aptitude, as well as show that you possess the ability to work as part of a team.

Banker selection process - assessment centre
Banker selection process - face-to-face interview


If you are successful in the telephone/online interview (or the assessment centre, if you are required to attend it) you will be invited to a final face to face interview, where you’ll be asked some final questions to measure your suitability for the role.

If you’ve made it this far, then you’ve shown aptitude in the tests (and assessment centre), as well as the fact that you’ll fit in nicely (via application and telephone interview).

At this stage of the investment banking application process, the interviewers usually want to confirm their thoughts about you as a candidate, and potentially discuss possible start dates. This is a great opportunity to ask any final questions you have about the role.

Online Banking Tests + free bonus guides


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Online Banking Tests + free bonus guides
  • Verbal Reasoning (Word Meaning, Perceptual Speed and more);
  • Numerical Reasoning/Number Speed & Accuracy);
  • Inductive Reasoning (Non-Verbal Reasoning and Spatial Visualisation);
  • Situational Judgment Tests;
  • PLUS Bonus detailed Assessment Centre PDF guide (RRP £12.97) and  Interview Skills PDF included;

Please note: the online testing suite service is automatically charged at just £9.99 plus vat per month with no minimum term. You can cancel anytime by contacting us at [email protected]. See our terms and conditions for more details.

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The online bankers test of the investment banker application process will be made available once you’ve submitted an application that’s been accepted. Once this has occurred, you’ll be sent a hyperlink to the testing suite, which will contain numerous tests that you’ll need to complete. The precise number of tests will vary depending on which bank you are applying for a role at, as well as the role that you are applying for. Here are the tests that you might have to take:

  • Numerical Test;
  • Verbal Reasoning Test;
  • Logical Reasoning Test;
  • Situational Judgement Test;
  • Personality Test.

Since you might not need to take every one of the tests above, it’s advisable that you find out in advance, then conduct online assessment test practice where necessary.


This is the main test that anyone applying for a role at an investment bank will be required to take. Since banks work with numbers, it’s understandable that your mathematical abilities are assessed before being offered a role. The questions will focus on your ability to handle, interpret, and manipulate data, so it’s important to brush up on your knowledge of statistics before applying. These tests are taken under timed conditions, so you need to be able to answer the questions quickly as well as accurately. For this reason, it’s advised not just to learn statistical rules and do practice questions, but to attempt them under timed circumstances. Find out in advance how long you have to complete the test, so that you can figure out your timings.

This test is only required for some roles. Here, you will be assessed on your ability to read text and determine whether statements about the text are true, false, or impossible to say. Therefore, this segment of the online bankers test measures your ability to highlight details in a passage, as well as have a grasp of what is being said and what the implications of the text are.

Like the verbal reasoning test, the logical reasoning test isn’t required for all roles. In some places, this might be referred to as the inductive reasoning test, but the principle will be more or less the same. Here, you’ll be given images of shapes which create some kind of pattern. Each question will be multiple-choice, and from these choices you need to choose the correct answer which continues the pattern. Essentially, this test is assessing your ability to recognise patterns.

This portion of the online bankers assessment examines how well you can apply the bank’s core values and competencies to a number of scenarios which you might find yourself in while working for them. The goal here is not only to make sure that you understand the core competencies and values of the bank, but to also assess how well you can apply them in a short space of time. This test assesses your quick judgements in relation to your knowledge of core competencies and values. You’ll be presented with multiple-choice questions, and for each you’ll need to choose the most suitable response to the scenario, as well as the least suitable response to the scenario.

Like the situational judgement test, the personality test of the online bankers assessment is used to measure how well you know the core values of the bank. However, rather than focusing on how you apply these to scenarios, there is an emphasis on yourself as a person. This is a chance for you to demonstrate your own personality as accurately as possible, while also making sure that you prove yourself to be a suitable candidate. Make sure to review the bank’s core values before you take this test.


Online Banking Tests + free bonus guides
  • Verbal Reasoning (Word Meaning, Perceptual Speed and more);
  • Numerical Reasoning/Number Speed & Accuracy);
  • Inductive Reasoning (Non-Verbal Reasoning and Spatial Visualisation);
  • Situational Judgment Tests;
  • PLUS Bonus detailed Assessment Centre PDF guide (RRP £12.97) and  Interview Skills PDF included;

Please note: the online testing suite service is automatically charged at just £9.99 plus vat per month with no minimum term. You can cancel anytime by contacting us at [email protected]. See our terms and conditions for more details.

Start Preparing Now 👉

Pass Your Bankers Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this online testing suite was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your assessment tests.


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Pass Your Bankers Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this online testing suite was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your assessment tests.

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Online Banking Tests + free bonus guides

✓ Error Analysis Tests;
✓ Numerical Reasoning - Basic Tests;
✓ Numerical Reasoning - Intermediate Tests;
✓ Situation Judgement Tests;
✓ Verbal Reasoning Tests;
✓ Verbal Reasoning - Comprehension Test;
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Firstly, these guides are created by us and our team of experts – we have all the answers to your questions and will help you succeed (like we’ve been doing for the last 16 years), we update our material frequently and you can contact us at any time with any questions you have.

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Finally, our guides and training just work. Take a look at our TrustPilot page where you will see our rating of 4.9/5. There, our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their assessment).

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