United Airlines Flight Attendant Interview Questions and Answers Guide

27 United Airlines Flight Attendant
Interview Questions and Answers

Pass YOUR interview at the first attempt!


Q1. Why, at this point in time, is United Airlines a good career choice for you?


“United Airlines stands at the forefront of industry innovation and customer service, which resonates deeply with my personal and professional ethos. I am captivated by United’s commitment to employee growth and its global reach, offering unparalleled opportunities for learning and cultural exchange. At this point in my career, I am seeking a dynamic environment where I can leverage my skills in customer service and my passion for connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. United’s emphasis on creating a rewarding workplace and its ambitious vision for the future align perfectly with my career aspirations. I am eager to contribute to and grow with a team that values excellence, safety, and the customer experience as much as I do. United is not just a career choice; it’s a place where I believe I can thrive and help others do the same.”


“The value that resonates with me most profoundly is United Airlines’ commitment to “Fly Right.” This concept embodies not only the operational excellence and safety which are paramount in aviation but also encapsulates the spirit of respect and integrity in customer service. Throughout my life, I’ve held the belief that the right attitude and approach are the cornerstones of meaningful interactions and service. “Flying Right,” to me, means ensuring every passenger’s experience is safe, comfortable, and positive. It reflects my personal ethos of treating every individual with the utmost respect and going the extra mile to ensure their journey is pleasant. I have always strived to embody these principles in my personal and professional life, and I am thrilled at the prospect of bringing this value to life with every flight at United.”


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Role Description:

United Airlines flight attendants play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers during flights. They provide excellent customer service, address passenger needs, and respond to emergencies. Key responsibilities include ensuring compliance with safety regulations, delivering in-flight service, and maintaining a positive cabin environment.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Conduct pre-flight safety checks and brief passengers on emergency procedures.
  • Assist passengers with boarding, seating, and stowing carry-on items.
  • Provide in-flight services, including serving meals and beverages.
  • Respond to passenger requests and provide assistance throughout the flight.
  • Address and resolve passenger issues or concerns.
  • Ensure the cabin is clean and well-maintained during the flight.
  • Collaborate with the flight crew on safety-related tasks.
  • Assist during emergency situations, such as evacuations.

Entry Requirements:

  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Eligibility to work in the United States.
  • Strong customer service background is a plus.

Key Skills and Qualities Required:

  • Customer Service: Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills to provide outstanding service and address passenger concerns.
  • Safety Awareness: Thorough understanding of safety procedures and the ability to handle emergency situations calmly.
  • Teamwork: Collaborative attitude to work effectively with fellow crew members and maintain a harmonious cabin environment.
  • Adaptability: Ability to handle changes in flight schedules, weather conditions, and passenger requirements.
  • Problem-Solving: Quick thinking and resourcefulness to address unexpected issues during flights.
  • Physical Stamina: Stamina to handle the physical demands of the job, including standing for extended periods and lifting heavy objects.

Career Progression:

Flight attendants often start as entry-level cabin crew members and can advance to more senior positions with experience. Career progression opportunities may include:

  1. Senior Flight Attendant: Recognized for experience and exceptional service.
  2. In-Flight Supervisor: Responsible for overseeing the cabin crew on specific flights.
  3. Purser or Lead Flight Attendant: In charge of cabin operations and managing the crew.
  4. In-Flight Training Instructor: Training new flight attendants.
  5. Management Roles: Opportunities in airline management or leadership positions.

Career progression is influenced by performance, seniority, and additional training or certifications. Airlines may have specific career advancement programs and opportunities for their flight attendants.


Tip 1: Research the Airline

Thoroughly research United Airlines, its history, values, and corporate culture. Show that you’re genuinely interested in the company and its commitment to customer service.

Tip 2: Emphasize Customer Service Skills

Highlight your excellent customer service skills and your ability to remain calm and patient in challenging situations. Use specific examples from your past experiences to demonstrate your customer service prowess.

Tip 3: Safety and Emergency Preparedness

United Airlines places a strong emphasis on safety. Be prepared to discuss your understanding of safety protocols and how you would handle emergency situations. Familiarize yourself with basic safety procedures and regulations.

Tip 4: Teamwork and Adaptability 

Flight attendants work closely with a team in a dynamic environment. Showcase your ability to collaborate effectively with others and your adaptability to changing circumstances, such as flight delays or weather-related issues.

Tip 5: Professional Appearance and Communication

Dress professionally in appropriate business attire for the interview. Ensure your grooming is impeccable, and maintain a warm, welcoming, and professional demeanor during the interview. Clear and articulate communication is key.


  1. What is the typical career progression path for a flight attendant at United Airlines?
  2. What qualities or attributes are most valued in successful United Airlines flight attendants?
  3.  Can you describe the training process for new flight attendants, and are there ongoing training opportunities?

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Who has created the answers to the interview questions?

Richard McMunn is a former Fire Officer turned interview coach who has over 20 years experience within the recruitment industry.

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Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition.



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