GCSE French is Easy is the COMPLETE guide for anyone who wants to be as well prepared as possible going into GCSE French Exam.
Designed for use with the new syllabuses of all major exam boards, this guide contains up-to-date vocab, realistic sample questions, and insider tips for the most effective GCSE study.
Achieve the best grades!
Your GCSE French course is designed to test your understanding of the language, as well as your ability to use it in a variety of situations. No matter which exam board your school uses, you will need to have command of essential verbs and vocabulary, and be extremely comfortable with core elements of grammar. Of course, this will be done through the study of specific modules:
Describing Yourself and Your Daily Life
Family and Relationships
Travel and Tourism
The Environment
Healthy Living
The Internet/New Technology
Free Time
Your Local Area
Work/Future Plans
In a nutshell, getting a good grade in GSCE French will require an ability to respond to and express many ideas and opinions, with accuracy.
You will be played extracts of French speech, which will be of varying speeds, lengths and difficulty, and will be both formal and informal.
Exam = 20% of your final grade
You will be presented with text in a variety of forms (e.g. emails, newspapers, brochures), which will be of increasing complexity.
Exam = 20% of your final grade
You will carry out two writing tasks on different subjects, in exam conditions at your school.
Grade = 30% of your final grade
You will carry out two tasks (e.g. debate/discussion) that require you to interact with another speaker, who will most likely be your teacher.
Grade = 30% of your final grade
Planning a Party
Read the following email from a friend, and answer the multiple choice questions below by giving A, B or C.
Je t’envoie cet email parce qu’il faut organiser le fête pour l’anniversaire de Damien !
A mon avis, une date idéale serait près du début septembre, avant la fin des vacances d’été. Qu’est-ce tu dirais du premier samedi du mois ? L’année dernière, son fête a eu lieu le quatorze septembre, et tous les invités étaient de mauvaise humeur, parce qu’ils devaient aller au collège le lendemain !
On doit embaucher un DJ – combien d’argent devrions dépenser ? Bien sûr, la musique est importante, mais il ne faut pas oublier les autres choses comme les amuse-gueules et des décorations qu’on pourrait vouloir. On peut en parler.
Aussi, dans une semaine, je vais visiter la sœur de Damien pour demander son opinion. Veux-tu m’accompagner le soir du dix-huit ? Chez elle, on peut finaliser nos plans. Je n’ai qu’un but – une soirée géniale !
1. Laetitia thinks that the party should be held…
a. At the start of September
b. In the middle of September
c. At the end of September
2. Why would Laetitia prefer this time of year?
a. The weather will be nice
b. There is a national holiday
c. It will still be during the summer holidays
3. On what date was Damien’s last party?
a. 14th September
b. 13th September
c. 20th September
4. Why were the guests at Damien’s last party in bad spirits?
a. His parents were too strict
b. The DJ was shocking
c. They had school the next day
5. When does Laetitia plan to visit Damien’s sister?
a. The morning of the 19th
b. The evening of the 18th
c. At noon on the 12th
School Life and the Future
Read the conversation between these British students who are discussing education and their post-school lives. Answer the questions below in English.
Robert: Mes études favorites ont toujours été les sciences et les mathématiques. Depuis l’école primaire, j’ai eu beaucoup de succès, obtenant des bons résultats constamment. Maintenant, je suis en train d’appliquer à des programmes de stage dans l’industrie. Donc, je prévois de faire une licence d’ingénierie à une université de pointe, et décrocher un emploi dans une firme de prestige.
Tara: Au collège, je ne m’intéressais pas aux matières traditionnelles académiques. Au lieu de cela, je me concentrais totalement sur la musique ; j’adore composer, et je peux jouer plusieurs instruments, ma favorite dont est la clarinette. Comme résultat, je luttais pour gagner les bonnes notes. Eh bien, je serai une musicienne célèbre dans le monde entier !
Ryan: J’ai dix-sept ans, et je suis en terminale au lycée. Je me considère un étudiant moyen, qui se sent bien en classe, mais, j’ai une panne d’inspiration lorsqu’il s’agit de mon futur métier. En ce moment, je ne veux que sortir avec mes amis et ne pas penser l’avenir.
- What does Robert say about his marks at school?
- What did Tara choose to prioritise ahead of her studies?
- What does Ryan say about his plans for a future profession?
- What does Robert want to do after he gets a degree in Engineering?
- What is Tara’s aspiration?
- What are Ryan’s feelings towards thinking about the future in general?
Question 1
1. A.
2. C.
3. A.
4. C.
5. B.
Question 2
1. They have always been good.
2. Music (composing and playing several instruments).
3. He has a lack of inspiration.
4. Land a job at a top firm.
5. To be a world famous musician.
6. He does not want to think about it.
GCSE French Is Easy is the comprehensive guide for the GCSE French course, walking you through the necessary and most interesting vocab on all of the module topics you cover in class. The guide contains advice on completing Controlled Assessment tasks, and explains the key elements of grammar that you’ll be required to be comfortable with at this level of study.
Up to date for the 2025 syllabus, this guide contains up-to-date vocabulary, realistic sample questions, and insider tips and tricks for the most effective GCSE French study.
This guide has been tailored for use with all major exam boards!
This guide includes:
- Great Value – a book that is worth every penny! This book provides a breakdown of each topic you need to learn to pass your GCSE French, unique revision exercises, tips and memorable games to help you learn!
- Complete, FUN Guidance for you French GCSEs – Packed full of exercises and games, complete with tips and tricks to get you through your GCSE French assessments!
- Great for beginners to GCSE French – Our unique method of clear, detailed and to the point revision is ideal for those new to GCSE French or those wanting to brush up their French to a high GCSE standard.
- Sample writing and speaking responses – Answers to real potential writing exam questions with analysis of what you need to include in your controlled assessments
- Practice exam questions – Reading questions presented in the styles and formats of the real exams, to give your revision a realistic edge
- The lesser known Methods of GCSE French Revision that you MUST know to pass.
- The key reasons other candidates FAIL as they miss out our “over-and-above” keywords and phrases that they should have used in their exams.

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