RAF OASC Assessment Tests

RAF Officer Selection Centre Tests


The RAF OASC Assessment Tests are arguably the toughest element of the selection process for candidates joining the RAF as an Officer or Aircrew member. This rigorous selection process is designed to identify candidates with the skills, aptitude, and potential to excel in the demanding officer roles within the RAF.

What You Are Assessed On During RAF Officer Selection Centre Tests

The OASC assessments are comprehensive, covering various aspects crucial for successful officers. These assessments include:

  1. Interviews: Assessors gauge your motivation, communication skills, and suitability for RAF service through structured interviews.
  2. Group Discussion: Assessors evaluate your communication skills, teamwork abilities, and ability to express opinions while respecting others’ perspectives.
  3. Planning Exercise: Assessors check your ability to analyse complex situations, identify key objectives, develop detailed plans, allocate resources effectively, and consider potential risks and contingencies.
  4. Leadership Exercises: Assessors evaluate your ability to provide clear direction, delegate tasks, motivate team members, and adapt their leadership style to different situations and team dynamics.
  5. Command Tasks: Assessors evaluate your leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills in a practical, hands-on setting.

What To Expect During The RAF OASC Assessment Tests

Interviews: Be prepared to discuss your reasons for wanting to join the RAF, your understanding of the role you’re applying for, and how your skills and experiences align with the RAF’s values and mission. Sample questions may include:

  1. Why do you want to join the RAF and pursue a career as an officer/aircrew member?
  2. Can you provide an example of a challenging situation you’ve faced and how you handled it?

Group Discussion: During the group discussion candidates must demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and express their opinions while respecting the perspectives of others. Topics may range from current affairs to controversial hypothetical scenarios. Sample scenarios and questions could include:

  1. Would implementing a universal basic income be an effective solution to poverty and inequality, or would it disincentivise work and lead to economic stagnation?
  2. Is capital punishment a justifiable form of punishment for heinous crimes, or does it violate fundamental human rights and perpetuate violence?

Planning Exercise: During the planning exercise, candidates will be presented with a scenario or problem that requires strategic thinking, resource management, and decision-making. You’ll need to develop a detailed plan outlining objectives, resources required, and implementation strategies. The task will include your mission, a map, and a list of relevant information.

Leadership Exercises: In leadership exercises, candidates are placed in scenarios where they must demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and decision-making skills under pressure. You’ll need to provide clear direction, delegate tasks effectively, and motivate your team to achieve the objectives. Expect to face scenarios such as:

  1. Leading a team through an obstacle course while completing various challenges.
  2. Coordinate disaster relief efforts following a simulated natural disaster.

Command Tasks: Command tasks require candidates to lead a small team in completing a physical challenge or problem-solving scenario within a specified time frame. You’ll need to demonstrate effective leadership, communication, and decision-making skills.For example:

  1. Build a bridge using only the provided materials to allow your team to cross a simulated river.
  2. A team member has sustained simulated injuries and requires evacuation to a designated extraction point.

RAF OASC Assessment Tests Top Tips For Success

Preparation is key to success at the OASC. Here are our tips to help you be fully prepared:

  1. Research the RAF: Understand the RAF’s values, mission, and the role you’re applying for.
  2. Physical Fitness: Start training early to meet and exceed the RAF’s fitness standards.
  3. Practice Leadership Skills: Engage in team activities, take on leadership roles, and practice decision-making under pressure.
  4. Appearance and bearing: Whilst at the OASC you are being watched all of the time, it is important that you conduct yourself in the correct manner. This means always looking smart, formal and speaking maturely.
  5. Mock Interviews: Practice interview scenarios with peers or mentors to refine your communication skills and responses.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with current affairs, especially those related to defense and aviation.
  7. Manage Stress: Develop techniques to manage stress effectively, as the OASC can be intense.
  8. Follow Instructions: Pay close attention to instructions during assessments to demonstrate your ability to follow orders accurately.
  9. Seek Feedback: After practice assessments or interviews, seek constructive feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  10. Stay Confident: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Confidence can make a significant difference during assessments.


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The RAF OASC is one of the most challenging stages of the RAF Officer selection process. This resource is the ULTIMATE guide to preparing you for recruitment success.

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  • Creating the right impression at the assessment centre;
  • How to focus your preparation in the right areas;
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Don’t forget to also check out our YouTube channel with videos covering all aspects of how the RAF Officer selection process.

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