Category Archives: 11+

Kent Test Results Day 2018 – What Comes Next?

Kent Test Results Day 2018

Kent Test results day 2018 was Thursday, 11th October. If your child sat the Kent Test back in September, then you will have received their results on Thursday. These results will have been sent via email, and if you have a Kent County Council account you can log in and see your child’s results at […]

Birmingham Grammar School 11 Plus Test

The Consortium of Grammar Schools in Birmingham From 2011, there has been a consortium in Birmingham made up of the following eight schools: Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School; King Edward VI Aston School; King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys; King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls; King Edward VI Five Ways School; King […]

Eleven Plus Exam Questions – Maths 11 Plus

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog on 11 Plus Exam Questions – Maths Eleven Plus. By using this blog, you should hopefully have a clearer understanding in regards to the eleven plus including how you will be assessed, what you’ll be assessed on, and sample questions. This blog will specifically focus on the 11 […]

CSSE 11+ Guidance Sheet For Parents | PDF Download

  CSSE 11+ Guidance Sheet For Parents   The consortium of selective schools in Essex requires pupils to take two tests (one English, one Maths) in order to gain entry into any of the following ten selective schools: Colchester County High School for Girls. Colchester Royal Grammar School. King Edward VI Grammar School. Shoeburyness High […]

The Grammar Schools in Birmingham 11+ Test – A Parent’s Guide

Welcome parent’s, to your in-depth resource for guiding your child through the application process of applying to Grammar Schools in Birmingham. As a parent, it is your job to oversee your child’s education. If you are reading this resource, it is inevitable that your child is applying, or is thinking about applying, to a Grammar […]

CSSE Essex 11+ Exam: Maths Practice Questions

The CSSE (or Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex) requires you to take two tests, one English and one Maths, for your 11+ exam. Within this blog we will look at what the Maths test requires of you and additionally provide some example exam questions to enable a clearer understanding of the types of questions […]