In this blog post, interview expert and YouTube Vlogger, Richard McMunn, provides you with his 7 important tips on how to prepare for the NHS interview.
Whether you are applying for an NHS administrative role, Support Worker role, Nursing and Midwifery, Doctor, Allied Health Professionals role or Emergency Services, the following tips will increase your chances of success whilst attending your NHS interview.
Tip #1 – Match the Job Description
The NHS National Job Profiles have been created by the NHS Employer’s group who are part of the NHS Confederation. They are responsible for creating the job profiles, job descriptions and person specifications for each generic role listed above. It is then down to the NHS Trust to add specific elements to each role, if they see fit.
Whilst preparing for your NHS interview, it is important to study the job description for your chosen role and the try to match the relevant skills, qualities and attributes during your interview preparation.
For example, if you are applying for a Nursing or Midwifery position within the NHS, one of the key attributes is being able to follow rules and procedures. Our advice is to make sure you provide evidence during your interview of where you have previously demonstrated this important skill.

Tip #2 – Carry out NHS research
There are basically 3 different types of NHS interview question: Motivational, Research-based and Behavioural. To prepare for the research-based questions, our advice is to learn as much about the NHS Trust you are applying to join, including the NHS values and also the mission, aims and objectives of the trust you are being interviewed for.
Preparing for an NHS interview doesn’t have to be difficult. One of the crucial ways to bolster your NHS interview prep is to make good use of an action plan. Below is an action plan you can download (by clicking the image), print off and follow during your interview preparation.
Click the image below to download a PDF version of the NHS Action Plan:
Tip #4 – Compile a List of Perceived Interview Questions
Once you have studied the job description, and also gained access to our ONLINE NHS INTERVIEW TRAINING COURSE, we recommend you compile a list of interview questions you believe will come up during your interview. The type of NHS interview questions that you will be asked may include:
Why do you want to join the NHS?
Tell me about yourself and why you are suited to this NHS role?
Describe a time when you worked hard under pressure?
What are the NHS values?
Tell me about a time when you demonstrated one of the NHS values at work?
What do you understand by the term safeguarding?
Explain a situation you were in where you went above and beyond for an employer?
Do you have any questions for the interview panel?
The above short list of NHS interview questions is just a sample of the types you could get asked at your interview.
Tip #5 – Use the star technique when answering the behavioural questions
The STAR technique is a great way to make sure you answer the situational/competency-based interview questions accurately. The STAR method utilises the following approach:
SITUATION – Tell the panel the situation you were in relevant to the competency being assessed.
TASK – Now tell the panel what needed to be done.
ACTION – Tell the interview panel what action you took to complete the task.
RESULT – Finish off by explaining the result following the actions you took.
Tip #6 – PreparE your answers to the nhs interview questions
We now recommend you spend some time preparing your answers to the interview questions you are likely to be asked during the NHS interview for your chosen role. We also advise you undertake a mock interview in a formal setting, so that you get a feel for what the real interview will be like once you sit down in the interview room and start answering the questions! This will also give you the chance to hone your interview technique, which is another important assessable area!

Tip #7 – Have a positive attitude
There is no use going into your interview being concerned about the result – it serves no purpose! Those people who pass their NHS interview do so because of the following 3 things:
- They prepare better than most candidates;
- They believe in themselves;
- They have spent time studying the Online NHS Interview Training Course Masterclass created and presented by Richard McMunn.
The simple fact is, you have nothing to lose by having belief in your own abilities and also by having a positive mindset! Go into your interview with confidence and make sure you have prepared fully for your interview by studying the following training course:
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