HOW TO WRITE A RESUME! (5 Golden Tips for Writing a Powerful Resume or CV!)

How to Write a Resume

HOW TO WRITE A RESUME! (5 Golden Tips for Writing a Powerful Resume or CV!)

In this article, we are going to help you WRITE A RESUME that will land you the job of your dreams. So, to apply for any job you need to submit a resume, and this document needs to GRAB THE ATTENTION of the hiring manager.

To guarantee your CV will get you invited to interview, here’s what we will cover:

#1. We will give you 5 easy-to-implement golden tips for writing a winning resume.

#2. We will tell you the exact structure to use when writing your resume! This includes the 7 sections you should include within your resume!

#3. We will then give you the perfect personal statement to include on your resume that the hiring manager is going to love! Let’s get started…


TIP #1: Keep your resume relatively short (2 pages is all you need).

Remember, the hiring manager will have many resumes to sift through, and it is vital you keep it short, powerful, and to the point.

TIP #2: Make sure your resume is easy-to-read. The information you provide on your resume should be placed in a specific order, (I will tell you what that order is very soon), and make sure you use a simple but professional looking font such as Arial.

TIP #3: When writing your resume focus on any previous achievements you have gained that show you can ADD VALUE to their company in the role. And, this is a great tip, where possible include numbers on your resume. Statements such as:

“In my previous role, I helped the company increase sales by 25%. This was achieved via targeted social media marketing campaigns and a focus on improving customer service.”

Any numbers will really stand out on your resume, and they allow a hiring manager to see how you are going to ADD VALUE to their company. 

TIP #4: This is a vital tip but so many candidates fail to follow it. Get your resume proofread before you send it off. If there is one spelling mistake, or if your resume is littered with grammar or punctuation errors, you will not get invited to interview. Errors on your resume give the impression that you lack standards and attention to detail, so make sure you get someone to read it over before you submit it!

TIP #5: Again, this is a very clever tip you can use when writing a resume or a CV. Focus on using ACTIVE LANGUAGE when constructing your resume. Active language includes words that perform a specific ACTION. For example, words such as performed, targeted, managed, built, developed, launched, and formulated are all examples of ACTIVE LANGUAGE that focus on the ACTION you took in previous roles!


As previously mentioned, your resume should only be 2 pages in length. This makes it easy for the hiring manager to read it and to quickly decide whether they want to invite you to interview.

Now, because you are only working with 2-pages you need to use a concise structure that covers everything the hiring manager wants to see.

So, our advice, is to include the following 7 sections on your resume:


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SECTION 1 – Personal Details And Contact Information;

At the start of your resume include your name, your address, email, and contact telephone number. And, don’t forget to make sure any answer phone message on your cell phone is professional sounding. If they call you to invite you to interview, and they get an unprofessional sounding answerphone message, they may hang up!

SECTION 2 – Personal Statement;

The personal statement is the first thing the hiring manager will read. Therefore, it needs to grab their attention. The personal statement should, ideally, be approximately 150-200 words in length, and contain powerful words and phrases that quickly explain who you are, your values, and what you can bring to the role.

Very soon, I will give you a BRILLIANT EXAMPLE PERSONAL STATEMENT that is guaranteed to get the attention of the hiring manager.

SECTION 3 – Previous Work Experience;

This section details in chronological order any previous jobs you have had. Make sure you include the job title, the name of the organization, and the years that you worked there.

SECTION 4 – Key Skills;

Key skills are essentially the strengths you have that you can bring to the role. These should be in bullet points. Let me give you some examples:

  • A fast learner with a proven track record of achievement;
  • Proficient in the use of all Microsoft Office applications and a typing speed of 57 WPM;
  • A strong collaborator who always puts the needs of a team first;
  • Exceptional communication skills;
  • A strong sense of business acumen and the understanding that the organization’s commercial objectives are critical to my work;
  • An adaptable approach to change, and someone who takes responsibility for their ongoing professional development. 

SECTION 5 – Education & Qualifications;

In the education section list the qualifications you possess and don’t forget to include brief details of any relevant courses you have attended and completed.

SECTION 6 – Achievements;

This section should, again, include bullet points of some or you proudest professional achievements. This is a great place to include those numbers I was talking about earlier! Here are some examples of good achievements to include:

  • Achieved a 25% increase in sales for my previous employer. This goal was reached through carefully targeted social media advertising campaigns.
  • Implemented a new online customer service feedback facility that resulted in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction levels.
  • Invented a smart system for ordering office supplies that saved my employer $1,000 per month.
  • Successfully integrated a new software system for the company and organized the roll out of competency training for all staff.
  • Delivered consistently high levels of customer service in all roles that resulted in increased sales for my employer.

SECTION 7 – References.

At the end of your resume I strongly recommend you give the details of two people who would be willing to act as a positive reference for you. The majority of candidates put in this section, REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST, but this is a missed opportunity! A resume will look far stronger and more powerful if the NAMES and CONTACT DETAILS of two references are included!

Below you can view a BRILLIANT EXAMPLE PERSONAL STATEMENT that you can use on your resume. Don’t forget, the PERSONAL STATEMENT needs to be hard-hitting, positive, and it must grab the attention of the hiring manager! Here’s our example to help you:


I am a highly-motivated, conscientious and competent collaborator who possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise within this industry. With a proven track record of achievement, I can bring positivity, support, and a creative mindset to any team. I pride myself on taking ownership of challenging problems, maintaining high standards, and assisting my employer in achieving their commercial objectives. With a desire and passion for continuous professional development, I am confident I can add value to your organization by always ensuring your customers and clients receive the best service possible. With more than 5 years’ experience in similar roles, I can be relied upon to deliver everything that I set out to achieve, whilst always seeking ways to help my employer grow, and save them money at the same time.

So, this how the resume will look once constructed neatly, professionally, and it is proofread.

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