LAST-MINUTE INTERVIEW PREP! (How To Prepare For An Interview In Under 10 Minutes!)

Last Minute Prep!

In this blog, we will give you 3 quick but crucial tips that will help you to impress the hiring manager at your interview. Next, we will give you 8 brilliant words to use in your interview when describing yourself. These 8 words will resonate positively with the hiring manager, and they will help you to beat the competition!

Finally, we will give you 3 brilliant questions to ask at the end of your interview that will significantly boost your chances of success!

Don’t make the mistake of not asking questions at the end of your interview – Asking the right questions is a clever way to get hired!

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To begin with, let us give you 3 quick but crucial tips that will help you to impress the hiring manager!

TIP #1 – Make sure you dress smart for your interview.

If you turn up in a smart outfit such as a suit, it tells the interviewer two things – (1.) you have high standards, and (2.) you care about the job you are applying for.

If you don’t make an effort in your appearance, it sends the wrong message to the hiring manager! Please dress smart for your job interview because it will make a big difference, we promise!

TIP #2 – Spend several minutes quickly researching the company before your interview.

Go to the company’s website and have a look at the following two things:

#1. Have a look at their website ABOUT US page. Take note of what they actually do, and look into their history. This will enable you to answer the interview question, ‘what can you tell us about our company?’.

 #2. Have a quick look online at their products and services. What services do they offer, or which products do they sell? When they ask you the interview question, ‘why do you want to work for us?’, you then can respond by saying this:

“I have looked at your products and services and everything you do is carried out to a very high standard. I, too, have high standards, and I only want to work for a company that has the same values as me. Based on my research, I genuinely believe I can build a long-term career here.”

TIP #3 – At the very start of your interview, the hiring manager will say to you… ‘TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF’.

It is really important to know what you are going to say in response to this first question. If you can give a great answer to the ‘tell me about yourself’ question, it sets you up with confidence for the rest of the interview.

Conversely, if you don’t prepare anything, and you end up giving a weak answer, it doesn’t create a good first impression.

When answering the question, TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF, use the S.E.A.T format to structure your response. You can easily remember this because…

S stands for the SKILLS you can bring to the role. E stands for the EXPERIENCE or EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS you have. A stands for any ACHIEVEMENTS you have gained in life so far, and T is the TYPE of person you are and what you can bring to their company.

Let us give you a quick example answer to the question TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF that uses the S.E.A.T format:

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I already have the SKILLS and qualities to meet the expectations of the role. I am a completer-finisher; someone who can be relied upon to get a job done, on time, and to a great standard. I am reliable, flexible and adaptable, and will carry out tasks outside of the job description.

 My EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS are a good match for this role, and I have EXPERIENCE working in teams and dealing with customers which means I can hit the ground running.

 I have a track record of ACHIEVEMENT. Not only did I achieve excellent grades at college, I was often praised in my last role for my speed of work, and how I would get more work done than the average person.

 If you hire me, I will be the TYPE OF EMPLOYEE who will embrace change positively, be a great role model for the company, and take ownership of my ongoing development.”

So, that’s a great example answer to that first interview question, tell me about yourself that uses the easy-to-remember structure S.E.A.T.


So, it is essential you sell yourself in your job interview. People are too afraid to big themselves up, but you have to do this to pass.

Remember, this is the first time the interviewer has ever met you – they don’t know you – so you have to use powerful words and sentences to make yourself attractive as a potential employee.

Take note of the following 8 words and use these in your interview:

  • #1. COMMERCIALLY-DRIVEN – this means you know that for their business or organization to succeed, you must do a great job and help them grow!
  • #2. RESULTS-ORIENTATED – this means you always focus on achieving great things in your work.
  • #3. SELF-DISCIPLINED – You can be left alone to organize your work and get things done on time.
  • #4. ENTHUSIASTIC – You are energetic and passionate about what you do.
  • #5. COMPLETER-FINISHER – This means you always finish things to the standards expected, and you don’t have to be reminded what to do!
  • #6. PROBLEM-SOLVER – You take ownership of difficult challenges and problems instead of simply passing them on to your manager to deal with.
  • #7. COLLABORATOR – You work closely with other people and fit seamlessly into a team.
  • #8. INDUSTRIOUS – If you are industrious, it means you are hard-working and determined.


Right at the very end of your job interview, the hiring manager will say to you, “that’s the end of your interview, do you have any questions for us?”.

Most people respond by saying they don’t have any questions, but that’s a mistake.

Asking questions is your opportunity to further show the hiring manager you CARE about their company, and you want them to be successful.

Here’s 3 great questions to ask that will impress the hiring manager:

  1. What’s the one thing I can do in this role to help your business succeed?
  2.  Can you tell me more about the team I would be a part of in this role?
  3. What advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to excel in the role?

So, there you have it, lots of tips, information, and advice for helping you prepare for your interview in under 10 minutes!

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