Phone Screening Interview Questions Thumbnail V2


In this article, we will teach you how to pass a phone screening interview! A phone screening interview is often used by employers to filter who they want to attend a face-to-face interview, and therefore, it is essential that you are well prepared before you phone screen interview!


  1. A list of Phone Screening interview questions to prepare for!
  1. Sample ANSWERS to those questions to help you SUCCEED.
  1. Essential tips for passing your Phone Screening interview.
  1. Further downloadable resources to help you.


TIP #1 – Make sure you’re in a calm, distraction-free environment. 

TIP #2 – Double-check that your phone is completely charged. 

TIP #3 – Treat the phone screening interview with the same respect as an in-person interview. 

TIP #4 – Prepare responses to the most common questions asked during a phone screening interview. 

TIP #5 – Make a bullet-pointed cheat sheet (remember, they can’t see you!) 

TIP #6 – Before the phone interview, do some research on their firm! 

TIP #7 – Prepare three intelligent questions to ask at the conclusion of the phone screening interview. 

TIP #8 – Following the phone interview, send a thank-you email.

Q. Tell me about yourself.

Now this is going to be the first interview question that you get asked, and it’s your opportunity to talk about the skills and qualities you have, not your home life or your personal life. Focus on your passion for this role, and how are you going to add value to the organization in the job role. 

Make sure you download the job description and focus on telling them how your skills match.

It is really, really important that you do this because that job description is your blueprint for answering these interview questions and scoring highly.

Make sure you use power words such as loyal, commercially aware, enthusiastic. and I’m motivated. These words will resonate positively with the hiring manager, and a really good tip here is, you can find the exact words you need to say on the job description. 

For example, if on that job description they state they are looking for someone who is a “team worker”, someone who’s “hardworking and professional”. Make sure you use those exact words throughout your phone screening interview answers.

Q. Tell me about yourself.

“Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this position today.

Throughout my career, I have developed a variety of transferrable skills and experience that I believe will enable me to excel in this role. I am someone who has excellent organizational and attention to detail skills who always strives to maintain the highest of standards at all times. 

I consider myself to have an impressive track record of achievement. For example, in my previous role, I was praised by my supervisor for helping the company to find ways to increase sales by improving customer service standards.

I have a proven track record of working alone and as part of a team with excellent communication and people skills. I am confident in person, via telephone and also digital communication. This will enable me to communicate with clarity to both clients, customers, and all interested parties. I truly believe if you hire me, you quickly see a positive return on your investment.

 Outside of work I am driven by my family who are fully supportive of my career and the potential shift work that comes with the job. I enjoy hobbies such as going to the gym where I can maintain healthy fitness and concentration levels.

If you employ me in this position, I will be a reliable, driven, and customer-focused employee who will be proud to work for your organization and deliver excellent customer service and value to your clients.” 

Q. Why do you want to leave your current job?

TIP: Make sure that when you’re answering this question that you’re always POSITIVE about your former employer, management, and work colleagues!

If you were a hiring manager, who would you hire, the candidate who is negative in their answers or the candidate who is positive in their answers?

Q. Why do you want to leave your current job?

“I want to leave my current employer because I’m ready for a change and want to take on a new challenge that will allow me to put my abilities and talents to good use. 

Working with my current employer was has been a great experience for me. They’ve helped me succeed in my role, and we’ve accomplished a lot together. 

However, I’d like to work in a different setting for an exciting forward-thinking firm with big plans for the future, where I can contribute to the team, and eventually assist the company to realise its objectives.”

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Q. Why do you want to work for us?

TIP: Your answer to this interview question MUST demonstrate the preparation you have done prior to the interview. 

Look at the company’s website, their LinkedIn profile, and their social media channels and MENTION any of the achievements  that stood out to you that the company has accomplished. 

Don’t forget to also focus on the job description and how it MATCHES what you are after in a new job role and how you match the skills and qualities that they are after also.

Q. Why do you want to work for us?

“After doing extensive research on your organisation, I can see that you have a great reputation and are surrounded by positivity. 

Nowadays, high levels of customer service are uncommon, and I want to work in an environment where customer service is valued, as I relish in observing positive customer interaction, feedback, and testimonials in my profession. 

I noted on your company’s LinkedIn profile that you just celebrated winning an award for the services you provide, and your website displays a number of honours your company has earned over the years. This demonstrates to me that your company is a leader in its field. It is expanding and has big expectations and high standards.

This appeals to me as I consider myself as someone who sets high standards, is always looking to further develop, and I take pride in the work that I do.

Finally, when I saw the job description for this role, I knew the job was a perfect fit for me. I am confident that my skills and qualities will enable me to thrive in this role.”

Q. Give me an example of when you worked as part of a team.

TIP: Many job roles will be varied, but a common factor across nearly all jobs is that you must be able to collaborate.

Therefore, this question is often asked! For this answer, I strongly recommend you use the STAR method:

Situation – What was the situation you found yourself in?

Task – What was the task that needed to be carried out?

Action – What action did you take to achieve the task?

Result – What was the end result following your actions?

Q. Give me an example of when you have worked as part of a team.

“I have lots of experience of working as part of a team, one situation recently comes to mind where my manager came into the office late on a Friday afternoon and he asked for five volunteers to stay behind late after work to carry out an important stock take. 

Now, the stock take had to be done by 7:00 p.m. and I knew how important it was to the company. So I volunteered along with four other team members. So we started by getting together as a team and we created a plan of action based on our manager’s brief, based on what he wanted us to achieve.

We communicated different ideas and we then allocated tasks based on each other’s individual strengths. My task was to collate the stock take figures and then quickly input them into the computer system.  

I’m pleased to say that we achieved the task by 7:00 p.m. and this was done by supporting each other, by encouraging everyone within the team and by motivating everyone to get the task done correctly.”

Q. Describe how you would deal with an angry and irate customer if they wanted to make a complaint.

TIP: Dealing with difficult customers is a reality many employees face and employers want to know you will REMAIN CALM and PROFESSIONAL, and represent their company in a POSITIVE LIGHT at all times. 

It is, therefore, important to demonstrate you will NOT be reactive or respond negatively. 

Instead, show that you have good customer service and communication skills, and that you are aware you are representing the company.

Q. Describe how you would deal with an angry and irate customer if they wanted to make a complaint.

“I fully understand that at times, dealing with frustrated customers can be part of this role. 

Customers will understandably be stressed at times, and it would be my job to listen to them, show a level of understanding and empathy, and by doing so, hopefully calming them down if needed though effective communication.

I would always start off by listening to their complaint and I would give them time to vent any frustrations they may have. And whilst I would never tolerate any unacceptable behaviour, such as bad language, I believe it is important to give people the chance to speak as this helps defuse the situation.

Whilst they were talking, I would listen carefully, take notes, and show empathy and understanding where appropriate. When the time was right, I would intervene and ask questions to clarify the situation. 

Whilst dealing with the customer, I would always follow the organization’s guidelines, and also remember to act as a positive role model for the company. I believe I am good at remaining calm and finding solutions quickly.

If I felt it necessary, and we were at fault for the issue, I would apologise. I would then seek to either come up with a resolution to the problem myself, or if that wasn’t possible, I would speak with my line manager if they would be better placed to deal with the complaint. 

For me personally, I feel it is always important to follow up with the complainant as this demonstrates excellent customer service and ensures any issues are always resolved in the least stressful way for our clients and maintains a strong reputation for the company.”

Q. What are your strengths?

TIP: Again, make sure you focus on the job description. 

This is your BLUEPRINT to the skills and qualities that they are looking for. Make sure your strengths match those listed on the job description for the role. 

Your answer should provide evidence on where you have demonstrated your strengths in previous work roles or in education. And make sure you come across as relatable and genuine in your answer.

Q. What are your strengths?

“I believe I can bring a number of positive qualities to this position, but one of my main strengths is that I’m commercially aware, which means that in order for the company to accomplish its goals and grow as a company, I must perform to a high standard and meet all of the company’s objectives, whether financial or otherwise. 

I put my clients first in all I do. I am also a dependable person and someone who is loyal. I’m looking for a job with the same company for a long time and when representing this company, I will always be a positive role model. 

I recognise that change is a crucial component of a business’s growth, and I am someone who embraces change and would encourage others to do so as well.

I am the type of person who is accountable for my own personal and professional growth. I believe this distinguishes me from other candidates since I am constantly striving to grow and expand my skills.

My supervisor, for example, noted in a previous performance review that my negotiation abilities may be improved further. I decided to explore and enrol in an online negotiation course on my own. I also bought a handful of well regarded negotiation books from Amazon. 

After finishing the course and reading these books, I devised a strategy to put the new skills I’d gained into practise as soon as possible. My boss mentioned that she had witnessed a marked improvement and praised me for taking a positive approach to taking on board feedback and developing my own skills further.”

Q. What is your biggest weakness?

TIP: Do NOT say that you are a perfectionist. Nearly everyone does this during their screening interview, and it’s not going to score you any marks. 

In fact, it may even make you FAIL as it is unrealistic and shows the interviewer you can’t recognise your own areas of needed improvement. 

Instead, provide a weakness that is genuine, but one that is not a match for the job description. Always turn your weakness into positive and or show that is an area where you are taking it upon yourself to improve upon.

Q. What is your biggest weakness?

“My biggest weakness is that I find it difficult to speak in front of large groups of people at times. 

Public speaking can be intimidating for me, and it’s not something I’m naturally comfortable with. 

However, this is an area in which I am eager to grow and improve. I recently acquired Dale Carnegie’s The Art of Public Speaking on Amazon which is a top-rated public speaking book. This has already had a significant impact on my confidence while speaking to large gatherings of people. 

Also, if there are any possibilities to cultivate public peaking skills inside this organization, such as making group presentations, I would love to take advantage of them to challenge myself and improve my public speaking skills further.”

Q. Do you have any questions for us?

TIP: At the end of your screening interview, the interviewer is going to say “That’s the end of the interview, do you have any questions for us?”

NEVER respond by saying you don’t have any questions or “no thank you, all my questions were answered during the interview.”

Instead, if you want to boost your chances of success, have three questions prepared for you to ask at the end of the interview. Make sure these that show you care about the organization and the job role

Q. Do you have any questions for us?

“Yes, thank you. I have just three questions if that’s OK. 





Now, there are more Phone Screening interview questions we strongly urge you to prepare for. These are:

Q. Why are you applying for this job?

Q. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? 

Q. Tell me what you know about the role?

Q. Why should I give the position to you and not someone else? 

Q. Do you prefer working as part of a team, or are you better working alone?  

Q. What is the best example of customer service you have come across? 

Q. Describe yourself in 3 words.

Q. Describe a situation when you have had to work under pressure? 

Q. I see there have been some gaps in your employment. Can you explain these?

Q. Can you provide me with an example of a project you have had to complete and the obstacles you had to overcome? 

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