FRESHERS INTERVIEW TIPS! (How To Pass Your First Job Interview!)

FRESHERS INTERVIEW TIPS! (How To Pass Your First Job Interview!)

(How To Pass Your First Job Interview!)

Do you have your first job interview coming up? Most people are unsure of what to expect, are nervous they don’t have the experience, and worry they won’t perform as well as other more seasoned candidates…sound familiar?

Well fear not! In this article we will look at the top 10 freshers interview tips, or in other words, we will look at exactly how to pass your first job interview!


Your ENTHUSIASM AND PASSION are your biggest assets!

Despite what some people think, passion and enthusiasm are more important in certain job roles than experience. Therefore, although you won’t have much work experience yet, your passion, drive, and your determination will be highly attractive to the interviewer.

Here’s what to do…

  1. Tell the interviewer that, as a fresher, you are effectively a blank canvas, and they will get to train you up and develop you in the role to be the perfect employee. Although there may be more experienced candidates than you, your drive and passion to form a career is your strength.

Oh, and also don’t forget to make sure you dress to impress!

If this is your first job interview, you really need to make an effort with your appearance. Regardless of the role you are applying for, wear smart and professional attire because this shows you care about the job, and that you have high standards.


The more you know about their company, the more chance you will have of getting hired!

One of the biggest frustrations amongst interviewers and hiring managers is candidates who know very little about the company they are applying to work for.

You will be asked this interview question: “WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT OUR COMPANY?” 

This is your chance to show the interviewer you know a lot about their company, their products, and their services.

Here’s what to do…

  1. In the build-up to your interview, spend some time researching their website, their company history, their achievements, and the types of different products and services they offer.
  2. Also, don’t forget to check out their social media pages for any latest news stories!

This will give you something to talk about during the job interview!


BE CONFIDENT, but show respect, and demonstrate good manners!

It is important to have confidence in your abilities, and the way to demonstrate confidence in a job interview is to speak clearly, maintain eye contact with the interviewer, and listen to what the hiring manager is saying.

Here’s what to do…

  1. Now, of course, you are probably going to be quite nervous during the interview and a great way to overcome interview nerves is to read this overcoming interview nerves guide when you are ready.
  2. It is also very important to demonstrate good manners throughout your interview. You can do this by:
  • Introduce yourself confidently by saying – “Hello, my name is [INSERT YOUR NAME], and I am here for the interview today.”
  • Offer a firm handshake if invited, and look the interviewer in the eye when doing so.
  • Don’t sit down in the interview chair until invited to do so.
  • Sit upright, smile, and maintain good posture.
  • Thank the interviewer for giving you the chance to be interviewed for the position: “Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity today.”

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Get your answer to TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF interview question prepared, and rehearsed, in advance of the interview!

If you practice your answer to the first interview question, tell me about yourself, it will set you up with confidence for the rest of the interview.

Here’s a great example answer to help you:

“Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this position.

I am a positive, confident, and happy person who wants to achieve many great things in my life. I consider myself to be good with people; I possess strong communication skills, and I feel I will work very well as part of a team. For example, whilst undertaking my studies I was a part of several societies and groups and I always made sure I supported my fellow students to help them improve in the areas that I excelled in.

I am ready to take up this challenge with your company and see it as a brilliant opportunity for me to not only use the skills and qualities I already have, but to learn many more from the bright and talented people that already work here.”


Show awareness of how to do specific tasks!

During the interview, the hiring manager may ask you difficult behavioural interview questions. These include, “tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team”, or “tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service”. The only problem is, you might have never carried out these types of tasks before!

However, there is a clever way to answer these tricky interview questions if you have no experience, and that is to explain what you would do in that situation.

So, if the interviewer says, tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team, say something like this:

“Although I haven’t yet worked in this type of situation, I have witnessed other people do it, and therefore, I do know what to do. I would listen to the team brief carefully, I would communicate clearly with my teammates. I would allocate team tasks based on each person’s strengths, and I would support anyone in the team who needed assistance. At all times I would focus intently on the team’s goals and do everything I could do to help them achieve them.”


Write down a list of 5 things you can do for their company!

At some stage during the interview, the hiring manager is going to say to you, why should we hire you, what can you bring to the company, or what makes you the stand out candidate.

By writing down a list of 5 things you can bring to the company, it gives you different things you can draw on that will show the interviewer you genuinely can ADD VALUE to their business.

Here are 5 great things you could say that show you will be an asset to their team:

#1. You are a very fast learner, and you will need little supervision moving forward.

#2. You are positive about change and you see it as an important part of helping a business to continually thrive, innovate, and meet the demands of its customers.

#3. You are commercially-aware. This means you understand the importance of working hard, of representing their company positively when dealing with clients and customers, and you are someone who will bring a creative edge to the business.

#4. You are the type of person who will always take ownership of difficult and challenging situations, and you see pressure as an opportunity for you to grow and improve in the role.

#5. You will always take responsibility for your own ongoing professional development in the role.


Be able to describe yourself in 3 words!

“Describe yourself in 3 words?” is a common freshers or first-time job interview question. It is commonly used by hiring managers because it assesses your understanding of yourself, your levels of honesty, and self-awareness.

When answering this tough interview question, it is important that you explain WHY you have chosen your words.

Here’s a great example answer:

“In 3 words, I would describe myself as selfless, self-motivated, and driven. I am selfless because I will always put the needs of others first. I am self-motivated because I am naturally an ambitious person who wants to make an impact wherever I am at, and I am driven because I want to achieve many great things in life, both personally and professionally.


Prepare answers to the most common freshers interview questions.

The most common freshers interview questions are:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What’s your biggest weakness?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • How do you handle stress and pressure?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • What type of environment do you prefer to work in?


Have 3 questions ready to ask at the end of your interview!

It is very important that you ask several questions at the end of your job interview to show the interviewer you are serious about this job.

Here are 3 smart questions to ask:

  1. How has this position evolved over the years?
  2. What’s the first thing you would need me to concentrate on in the role within the first few weeks of starting?
  3. What advice would you give to someone like me who wants to excel in this position?


Focus on demonstrating the following 8 skills and qualities throughout your job interview

Throughout your job interview you should ensure you are demonstrating you have the following 8 skills and qualities:

– Trustworthiness & loyalty.

– Creativity and innovation.

– A positive mindset and can-do attitude.

– Creativity and innovation.

– Enthusiasm, passion and hunger to learn.

– Perseverance and self-motivation.

– Able to work calmly under pressure.

– Problem-solving skills and resilience.

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  • Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
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