“Describe Yourself In 3 Words!” – Interview Question

Describe yourself in 3 words

In this blog, we will give you THREE BRILLIANT EXAMPLE ANSWERS to the tough interview question, describe yourself in 3 words!

Firstly, we will tell you HOW NOT to answer the interview question, describe yourself in 3 words. Nearly all the other candidates will answer the question in this way, and we urge you not to do the same. We will then explain how to answer this question to gain the highest scores possible.

Finally, we’ll give you 3 brilliant answers in a live interview to the question describe yourself in 3 words and all you have to do is choose which one answer option you think is the strongest!

How shouldn’t you answer the interview question “Describe yourself in 3 words”?

Well, do not answer the question by using the 3 words professional, team-worker, and hard-working.

Virtually all candidates use these 3 words when describing themselves but the hiring manger has heard these words many times before. These words are not unique, and you should automatically be professional, a great team-worker, and hard-working anyway as standard!

But how should you answer the interview question describe yourself in 3 words to impress the hiring manager and standout from the competition. You should do two things:

#1. Choose 3 words that are unique, and that are designed to demonstrate you will ADD VALUE to the organization in the role.

#2. Once you have given your 3 words to describe yourself, quickly explain to the hiring manager how these will be of benefit to their company.


“I would describe myself as DISCIPLINED, INDUSTRIOUS, and COMMEERCIALLY-DRIVEN. Being disciplined means I will take responsibility for my work and ensure it is completed to a high standard. I am industrious which means I will be tireless in my work and I will strive to help you succeed. Finally, being commercially driven means I will seek ways to help you grow whilst being a positive role model for the organization.”


“I would describe myself as FRUGAL, COLLABORATIVE, and LOYAL. Being frugal means I will always seek ways to you save money. Being collaborative means I will support my co-workers, help them to improve and share my knowledge amongst the team. Finally, being loyal means you can trust me to represent the business brand positively and I will stay working here for many years to come.”


“I would describe myself as RESOURCEFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and ENERGETIC. I am resourceful which means I will find quick and smart ways to overcome difficulties. Because I responsible I will take ownership of my ongoing development to ensure I am always valuable to the organization and my skills relevant. Finally, because I am energetic I will be able to get more work done than the average employee.”

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