GCSE English Language Exam Structure

GCSE English Is Easy Language Workbook


Your GCSE Language examination comprises of two sections: Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of GCSE Paper 2: Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of GCSE


AO1 = To read, understand, and respond to literary texts. Students should be able to demonstrate a critical style in their writing, and develop an informed personal response. Students are also required to use contextual references, including quotations in order to support their interpretation. AO2 = To analyse the language, form, and structure used by an author and analyse the meaning and context. To ensure relevant terminology is used throughout their assessment. AO3 = To show an understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which a piece of text is written. AO4 = To use an array of vocabulary and sentence structures in order to provide clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. AO5 = To communicate effectively and imaginatively, using tone and style. Organise writing in a clear, structured manner to create coherence throughout your answers. AO6 = To use a range of vocabulary and terminology in order to enhance your writing and show your knowledge. This includes grammar, punctuation and spelling. AO7 = Demonstrate presentation skills in a formal written setting. AO8 = To listen and respond to spoken language. AO9 = Use spoken standard English effectively.
Below we have outlined the weighting of assessment objectives for your GCSE English Literature exam.


During Paper 1 of your English Language exam, you will be required to answer all five questions. In the exam, you will be provided with an extract from a work of literary fiction. This will either be from the 20th or 21st century.

Below we have included a breakdown of the questions you will face in Paper 1:

During Paper 2 of your English Language exam, you will be required to answer all five questions. In the exam, you will be provided with two non-fiction extracts – one from the 19th century and one from either the 20th or 21st century. Below we have included a breakdown of the questions you will face in Paper 2:

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