National Online Recruitment Awards 2019: Vote How2Become!

How2Become have entered the National Online Recruitment Awards!

How2Become have got some really exciting news – we’re entering the National Online Recruitment Awards (NORA) in the category of ‘Best Employment Advice Website’. Now, however, we need your help! Will you help us to land this highly prestigious award? Read on, for more information.

The National Online Recruitment Awards

The National Online Recruitment Awards recognise sustained business excellence over the course of one year. NORA focuses specifically on the recruitment sector, and the awards are given to the companies which provide jobseekers with the best possible standards of care. The NORAs cover a wide range of categories, including recruitment, employment, and career advice, and are hosted by the NORA Academy – a board whose membership consists of all past finalists and winners since 2000.

Why Vote For Us?

So, why vote for us? As many of you will know, over the past fifteen years How2Become has been offering essential recruitment, career and education advice to those that require it. In the past year, here’s just a few of our accomplishments:

-We’ve helped hundreds of people to pass the brand-new police officer selection process;

-We’ve assisted applicants in becoming train drivers, army officers, and even beauty therapists;

-We’ve produced award-winning educational test books, to help children ace their exams;

The above is just a smidgen of all the hard work we’ve done in the last year, to help other people find their dream career, and help them achieve testing success. Every day, we push ourselves to the limit, to bring you the very latest updates and career news.

How To Vote

It takes just two minutes to vote. You can submit your nomination via the official NORA vote page:

If you’ve voted, get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you. In the meantime, we’ll keep delivering excellent career and educational advice!

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