Police Virtual Reality Exercise [New Police Assessment Centre]

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Virtual Reality Exercise Explained

As part of the MET police’s brand new assessment centre, candidates are expeted to take a virtual reality exercise where a VR (virtual rality) headset is worn. This exercise lasts for approximately 10 minutes.

The Virtual Reality Exercise essentially requires you to work in a coordinated fashion with another candidate, to resolve a problem. One person will wear a VR headset, which will place them in a particular environment – such as a set of rooms. The other person will use their iPad, which contains a map/picture of how the room should look.

One person will play the role of control and the other person will play the role of ground. Together you will need to decide which of you will play which role. You won’t be marked on this conversation, but you will need to have the conversation in front of the assessors. The two roles are as follows:

  • Control’s job is to provide key information and navigational help to Ground. You will essentially need to guide Ground around the room/virtual reality environment, helping them to reach the finishing marker.
  • Ground’s role is to verbally relay what they can see using the virtual reality headset, to Control.

    How Is The VR Test Structured?

    First of all, you’ll be briefed on the operation. For example, you’ll be told that you are visiting the scene of a suspected burglary.

    Both participants will sit down. Ground will be given a virtual reality headset, and can then move and turn to see a more detailed view of the room that the headset depicts. Ground will be given very limited info about exactly where they are and what should be in the rooms. Control will be given an iPad which shows a detailed map or picture of how the room should look.

    There will be deliberate differences between how the room is meant to look on the iPad, and what Ground sees using the virtual reality headset. The two candidates will be expected to communicate and remember these differences. Furthermore, Control will be given a list of items on their iPad, detailing items that should be present within the room, and also information about the location where Ground is. Control will be expected to communicate these to Ground.

    MET Police Recruitment UK Careers Seminar in London

    What Does The Police VR Assessment Test?

    The Virtual Reality Exercise is a direct test of your teamwork skills, and your communication abilities. Both candidates need to work together to pass the test, and will need to be constantly communicating clearly and effectively with each other.

    Where Can I Learn More & Practice The Police VR Assessment?

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Want Complete Police VR Exercise Practice? Order our 200+ Page MET Police Assessment Centre Guide Now:

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