Why Do You Want To Leave Your Job Interview Question and Answer

Why Do You Want To Leave Your Job

“Why Do You Want To Leave Your Job?” Interview Question and TOP-SCORING ANSWER!

Without doubt, one of the hardest interview questions to answer correctly is, why do you want to leave your job?

In this guide, we are not only going to explain why the interviewer is asking you this tough interview question, but I will also give you a rock-solid answer that is guaranteed to resonate positively with the hiring manager!

Why Is The Interviewer Asking You The Question “Why Do You Want To Leave Your Job?”

Well, they are asking you the question simply because they want to ascertain if you have had any problems in your previous job, whether you are leaving your job for negative reasons, and also, more importantly, what you say about your former co-workers, your manager, or your employer.

The biggest tip we can give you when answering the difficult interview question, “why do you want to leave your job?”, is to NEVER be negative about your employer, or talk disrespectfully about your co-workers.

  • Do not say you want to leave because the work environment is toxic.
  • Do not say you want to leave because you disagreed with the direction the company is heading.
  • Do not say you want to leave because you do not get on with your boss!

So, how do you answer the interview question, “why do you want to leave your job?”

Here’s our example answer to help you…

“Why Do You Want To Leave Your Job?” Example Answer

I want to leave my job because I feel I have reached my full potential with my employer. I am now ready for a fresh challenge with your company, and this is somewhere I believe I can add significant value based on the skills, the knowledge, and experience I can bring to the role.

I will leave my employer on good terms; they have been very supportive whilst I have been there, and we have achieved many great things together. However, it is time for me to move on to the next chapter in my career, and I genuinely hope it is in this role with your company.”

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