7 First Job Interview Tips



This is our complete guide on how to pass a job interview with no experience using these proven 7 first job interview tips. So, if this is your very first job interview, or if you are a fresh graduate with no experience, stay tuned because we will help you to PASS!

First Job Interview Tip #1
Your Positivity & Enthusiasm Are Your Biggest Assets!

Most hiring managers would rather take on somebody who is positive and enthusiastic! Just because someone has experience does not mean they will be a good fit for a team!

The fact that you are hungry to work, and you will want to impress your new manager in the role is going to be more appealing to a hiring manager.

So, during your interview, always be positive in how you talk, be sure to display positive interview technique and good manners throughout!

First Job Interview Tip #2
Research Their Company!

The vast majority of interview candidates carry out very little research into the role or the company they are applying to work for!

Visit their website, follow their social media channels, and take a look at their products and services.

When the interviewer asks you what you know about their company, you will be able to give a great answer that shows you genuinely want to work for their company and you are not solely interested in just getting a job!

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  • The secrets to passing any interview;
  • The common mistakes made at the interview (and how to avoid them!);
  • Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
  • Full answers to each of the questions so you can learn how to deliver successful answers of your own.
  • Beating the competition (what you MUST do to be successful);
  • Checklists and printable resources;
  • All interview answers are verified by our interview panel of experts.
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First Job Interview Tip #3
Focus On Your Selling Points!

A great way to shine during your first job interview is to focus on your selling points.

Before you attend your job interview, write down a list of your top 5 selling points. Here’s some great examples to help you:

SELLING POINT #1. You are a blank canvas, and hungry to learn. If they hire you, they get to train you up to be the perfect employee!

SELLING POINT #2. You are a creative person and you believe you can ADD VALUE to their company by coming up with new, fresh and innovative ideas!

SELLING POINT #3. You are looking for long-term employment with their company which means they will get to see a long-term positive return on their investment by hiring you!

SELLING POINT #4. You are good with social media, and you want to help the company promote itself online!

SELLING POINT #5. You are always positive and this tends to rub off on other people. You are someone who will be a supportive co-worker and you will always put the needs of the team first!

First Job Interview Tip #4
Consider The Interviewer’s Concerns And Reservations.

If we can pre-empt the interviewers concerns about hiring you due to your lack of experience, this is going to help you pass!

You could say this at the end of your interview…

“Whilst I appreciate this is my first job and I have no work experience, I believe I more than make up for this through my enthusiasm, my positivity, my willingness to listen and learn, and the fact that you will get to train me up to be the perfect employee!”

First Job Interview Tip #5
Prepare Your Answers To The Most Common Interview Questions!

A great way to prepare for a first-time job interview is to get your answers ready in advance. Don’t turn up to the interview without considering how you are going to respond to the most common interview questions.

These include:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why do you want to work or us?
  3. What are your strengths?
  4. What’s your biggest weakness?
  5. What do you think you will dislike the most about this job?

First Job Interview Tip #6
Prepare 3 Questions To Ask Yourself In The Interview!

Now, at some stage during your first interview, the hiring manager is going to say to you… do you have any questions for us? It is important to ask 3 smart questions that put you across as a professional and intelligent person. Here they are:

  1. What would you need me to focus on in the first 30 days of starting in the role?
  2. How has the company evolved over the years?
  3. Who is your biggest competitor and how could I help you in this role to better them?

First Job Interview Tip #7
Practice A Mock Interview!

Carty out a mock interview before you attend your first job interview. Get someone to sit down and ask you the most common interview questions because this will help you to rehearse your responses and it will certainly boost your confidence!

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  • The secrets to passing any interview;
  • The common mistakes made at the interview (and how to avoid them!);
  • Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
  • Full answers to each of the questions so you can learn how to deliver successful answers of your own.
  • Beating the competition (what you MUST do to be successful);
  • Checklists and printable resources;
  • All interview answers are verified by our interview panel of experts.
  • Instant online access as soon as your order is placed to over 50 interactive modules.

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