Fire and Rescue Service Behavioural Styles Questionnaire Examples

When applying to join a Fire and Rescue Service in the UK, you will probably have to undertake a Behavioural Styles Questionnaire or similar personality test. During this test, you will be presented with a number of statements that deal with work-like situations as well as more generic behaviour. Some Behavioural Styles Questionnaire examples could be: ‘I always see out commitments I make.’ You will then decide how well this applies to you, by selecting a response ranging from ‘Completely disagree’ to ‘Completely agree’.

The test will take place at an initial stage of the recruitment process, as it allows recruiters to get a sense of an applicant’s suitability for the role very quickly. It also allows applicants the chance to show their strengths and convey some personality. Please note, however, the logistics surrounding the test will vary from county to county, so make sure you check your relevant Fire and Rescue Service’s website. There, you will be able to out find whether you’ll be timed, and at what point of the process they will ask you to take the test.

behavioural styles questionnaire examples

As you will have guessed, it is quite easy to see the responses recruiters would want from these statements. An impeccable ‘Completely agree’ from questions about working hard, and a resolute ‘Completely disagree’ from questions about being lazy or lacking integrity, surely?

However, it is vital that you answer honestly! Recruiters want to get a sense of who you really are. Answering on the nose in that way for every single question will arouse suspicion, and make recruiters question how genuine your application is. Not only this, but your honest answers will allow you to get a clear sense of how good a fit you are for the role, and if it’s something you really want to commit to and make your full-time occupation.

Behavioural Styles Questionnaire Examples

So, see below for a some Fire and Rescue Service Behavioural Styles Questionnaire examples. They don’t have objective ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ answers, so just answer honestly. Then, look over your responses and think about how well suited you are to the life of a firefighter.

Firefighter behavioural questionnaire example questions

How did you answer? However you did, recruiters will take this part of your application into account alongside any application forms and interviews you may have done, so it’s not the be all and end all! These other factors are more important than the Behavioural Style Questionnaire, but of course you should take it seriously. It could be the difference between you and another candidate making it to the next stage of the recruitment process!

Firefighter behavioural questionnare download

Firefighter Behavioural Questionnaire Download
  • 30 firefighter behavioural questions and appropriate responses;
  • Explanations to each question and why the answer is the most appropriate;
  • Top tips on how to pass the firefighter behavioural questionnaire;
  • The personality traits you are being assessed against and how to incorporate the PQAs.
Download now »

14 thoughts on “Fire and Rescue Service Behavioural Styles Questionnaire Examples

  1. Mark says:

    I passed me Fire and Rescue Service Behavioural Styles Questionnaire but failed me fire & Rescue Service Situational Judgement Test what will happen now

    • Joshua Brown says:

      Hi Mark,

      Thank you for your comment. It is entirely up to the particular fire and rescue service you applied to on how they want to proceed. However, the SJTs are usually there to act as a way of filtering out candidates which they feel will and won’t be suitable for the role. If they do not proceed with your application, I recommend research the key values and roles of a firefighter, the PQAs, and practice some SJTs before you reapply. We have a free firefighter situational personality questionnaire which I recommend you try. After which, I highly recommend our How to Become a Firefighter guide.

      Please let us know how you get on!

  2. Jack L says:

    Answer t o Q11- I would put strongly disagree – for the fire service basic expectation is that you would be able to accept criticism and learn from that feedback in a positive constructive way.

    • Richard McMunn says:

      Yep, I agree with you here too! It looks like you have a proper and full grasp of what is required with regards to the Firefighter Personal Qualities and Attributes (PQAs). If you are applying at any stage, good luck and let us know if you need anything else. Cheers, Richard

  3. Jack L says:

    Q13 – strongly disagree – it is not acceptable to use swearing or offensive language in the workplace, this would go against the fire brigade principles and specifically the working with others principle where you should promote positive and supportive working relationships with colleagues

    • Richard McMunn says:

      Hi Jack, I totally agree with you on this one. It’s really important that firefighters challenge any type of swearing, bullying or abusive behaviour.

  4. Jake parsons says:

    11. Disagree, as i can take constructive criticism onboard to make change where need be and learn.

    12. Disagree, as firefighting is both for women and men as both sex deserve equal opportunities

    13. Strongly disagree as we need to uphold a good responsible image as we are in the public eye and it would also go against work conduct

    • Jacob Senior says:

      Hi Jake, thanks for the comment.

      We’ve taken a look at your answers and it looks like you exhibit the right attitudes towards constructive criticism, diversity, and integrity for the Fire and Rescue Service.

      If you’re applying for a role in the Fire and Rescue Service, we’d love to hear more about your application process and how you get on. Good luck!

      The How2Become Team.

  5. Si says:

    I’m an on-call firefighter with 10 years on the job. I have failed both tests time and time again and I am beginning to feel like a complete fraud. I have never had any negative criticism about my work but it seems the bar is set much lower for retained staff when compared with the standard or requirement for whole-time. I am completely deflated and have since given up on any hope of becoming a full-time firefighter. It’s all I dreamed of as a kid but now I just out, I’m tired of the politics and bureaucracy.

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