Category Archives: Resources

Essential Writing Tips – Top 10 Strategies

No matter why you are writing, whether for academic purposes or for pleasure, doing so to a high standard is extremely important. It is the mode by which you transmit your ideas, findings, opinions, critiques, and knowledge, so it’s vital that you are always looking to improve. If you are a student, clear written communication […]

BMAT Preparation – Everything You Need to Know About BMAT

Learn about BMAT preparation, with our top tips

If you are thinking about sitting the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT), then it’s important to prepare yourself beforehand. The BMAT is one of the toughest admissions test out there – and deliberately so. Used to assess candidates in the medicine, dental, and veterinary sectors, the test is designed to push you to your limits, and […]

Eleven Plus Exam Questions – Maths 11 Plus

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog on 11 Plus Exam Questions – Maths Eleven Plus. By using this blog, you should hopefully have a clearer understanding in regards to the eleven plus including how you will be assessed, what you’ll be assessed on, and sample questions. This blog will specifically focus on the 11 […]

7 Benefits of Puzzle Solving for Adults

Ridiculous riddles, complex crosswords and wicked word searches; some of the most well-loved puzzles across an array of civilisations. The question is, how much do we really benefit from puzzle solving? For centuries, philosophers have analysed the relationship between puzzle solving and the short and long term impact this has on an individual. The results… […]

The Grammar Schools in Birmingham 11+ Test – A Parent’s Guide

Welcome parent’s, to your in-depth resource for guiding your child through the application process of applying to Grammar Schools in Birmingham. As a parent, it is your job to oversee your child’s education. If you are reading this resource, it is inevitable that your child is applying, or is thinking about applying, to a Grammar […]

CSSE Essex 11+ (Eleven Plus) – CSSE 2018 Entry

This CSSE Essex 11+ resource has been compiled to provide guidance and information about the Essex 11+. On this page, you will find information relating to details of the selective test (including key dates), practice material, guidance on how to prepare for the Essex 11+, and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions […]