Train Driver Tests – More Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers
In our previous post, we took a look at Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers. Here, we’re going to be taking a look at some more Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers.

Question 1 – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

You have been working in a team for years, with the same Team Leader. Since a couple of weeks ago, you notice that his decisions have become somewhat unreliable and questionable; his attention is low and does not seem involved with the team. A. Discuss it with a colleague to get his views and assess together on the importance of the problem for the team. B. Discuss it with your Team Leader and inform about your concerns. C. Discuss it with your Head of Unit to report him the changes of your Team Leader and the impact on the team. D. Ignore this change in the behaviour as long as it is not impacting your work directly.

Question 2 – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

You are working on an initiative to increase the well-being of employees, in order to reduce stress levels. Your Team Leader accused you of disclosing confidential information about the initiative to a Head of Unit. He is upset. A. Say that agitation is useless and you want to discuss it later to justify what you did. B. Indicate that the Head of Unit has heard about the initiative earlier from the Director and wanted to have more information. C. Indicate that you did not have any confidentiality guidelines on the project and that a Head of Unit came to discuss about the initiative with you. D. Apologize and make sure that it will not happen again.

Question 3 – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

A colleague of your team thinks he is always right. He does not admit his mistakes. He is considered as arrogant and self-centred. You have worked with him on tasks in the past and you did not like it. You’ve already told him. However, you will have to work again together on a new task. A. Take advantage of a private talk with your colleague to inform him on the impact of his attitude and his image in the team. B. Tell your Team Leader of the difficulties you are facing by working with your colleague, and ask for advice. C. To work on the task, you split the tasks in order to limit the interactions with your colleague. D. During the work, you adopt a behaviour in order to avoid discussions with your colleague.

Question 4 – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

You are appointed coordinator for a special project that has to be completed in three months. You are very skilled for this project, while your team members assigned to the project have no experience in this area. How do you organize the work? A. Arrange to do the maximum of the work yourself and minimize the participation of your Team Members. B. To start with, you organize training on the skills/knowledge to have to efficiently complete the project. C. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each Team Member and assign the work based on your assessment. D. Due to the short deadline, you ask the team to work quickly on the project and regularly monitor the progress.

Question 5 – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

You are Project Leader. You have established a plan and prepared the task allocation that you present to your team. For some tasks, there are no volunteers. How do you decide to allocate the work? A. Empower your team on the importance of the project and ask them to volunteer. B. Based on the skills of your Team Members, you decide on the best allocation. C. Assign the work to a Team Member that already undertook similar tasks in the past. D. Assign the work to a Team Member who has the lowest workload.

Answers – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers

Question 1. B Question 2. C Question 3. B Question 4. B Question 5. B If you want even more Train Driver Test Questions and Answers, check out our guide: Train Driver Tests.

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