Category Archives: Education

Studying With Dyslexia – Tips for Reading With Dyslexia

Reading With Dyslexia

If you have dyslexia, then there are many methods that you can employ to assist your reading, with considerations to make before you start a reading task, during a reading task, and indeed afterwards. So, let’s get straight into discussing what you should do before you go about reading something for your studies. Before You […]

Studying With Dyslexia – What is Dyslexia?

Studying With Dyslexia

Here, we’re going to take a look at what dyslexia is. Studying with dyslexia is difficult, so let’s get a deeper understand of what dyslexia is. What is Dyslexia? – Studying With Dyslexia ‘Dyslexia’ is a specific learning difficulty that affects how people interact with words and numbers. For this reason, it can make studying […]

Key Stage 2 Chemistry: Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Learn Key Stage 2 Chemistry with these top tips.

If your child is studying at KS2, and taking their SAT examinations, then you’ll likely need to get them prepared for the dreaded sciences: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. While these subjects have a reputation for being very difficult – the reality is that they don’t have to be. Here at How2Become we’ve prepared fantastic study […]

KS3 English Writing Skills: Improve Your Marks Today

Learn fantastic KS3 English Writing skills today!

One of the main things that you can do to improve your KS3 English Writing, is to improve the overall quality of your written words. The bottom line is that your essay marks will dramatically increase if you can demonstrate particular KS3 English writing qualities, thereby impressing the assessors. In this blog, we’ll give you […]

Essay Writing Guide – Using Evidence In Your Arguments

Essay Writing Guide

Essay Writing Guide – Introduction If you want to write a good essay, you need strong evidence to support your ideas. No matter how good your ideas are, you need to support them with evidence. Strong evidence is vital for achieving high grades in essay-based assessments. If you make a claim, you must always give […]

Essay Writing Tips – Arguing and Persuading

Essay Writing Tips

Introduction – Essay Writing Tips A key skill to have throughout your secondary and higher education is the ability to write strong essays. In this sense, we mean an ‘argumentative’ essay – one which argues for a thesis (core idea) or argues against another thesis. The central part of this type of essay is the […]

Formal Writing Tips: Improve Your Academic Writing Today

writing ks3

If you are writing an essay or even writing a letter, then it’s imperative that you have a good grasp on the rules surrounding formal writing. This can make the difference between passing and failing an assessment. Using our top formal writing strategies, you can ace your exam. So, read on for essential advice! Formal […]