Category Archives: Testing

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Numerical Reasoning Test

Pass the Australian Police Officer Numerical Reasoning Test

If you want to become an Australian police officer, you will probably have to pass a numerical reasoning test. So, let’s take a look at what the test is, and what you need to do to prepare for it. What is the Numerical Reasoning Test? – How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Numerical Reasoning […]

Passing the Australian Police Officer Tests – The Computer Skills Tests

Passing the Australian Police Officer Tests

If you want a chance of passing the Australian Police Officer tests, you’ll need to pass a Computer Skills test. As the name suggests, this test assesses your ability to work with computers in ways that will be vital to your work as a police officer. Remember that police officers aren’t on the street 24/7. […]

Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests – More Types of Question

Australian Police Officer Tests

In our last post, we took a look at three common Australian Police Officer Tests. You can find this here. Now, we’re going to take a look at two more types of Australian Police Officer Test. These are: The Audio/Visual Test; The Literacy Test. The Audio/Visual Test – More Types of Australian Police Officer Tests […]

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests – Different Types of Test

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests

If you want to know how to pass the Australian police officer tests, the best place to start is to learn what the tests are. Here, we’re going to take a look at the following three types of test you might face in your application process: The Reading Ability Test; The Summary Writing Test; The […]

How to Pass Exams With Dyslexia – Studying With Dyslexia

How to Pass Exams with Dyslexia 1

In a previous post, we took a look at tips on How to Pass Exams With Dyslexia – You can find that here: Passing Exams With Dyslexia. Here, we’re going to take a look at even more tips for how to pass exams with dyslexia. Answer the Easiest Questions First – How to Pass Exams […]

Passing Exams With Dyslexia – Studying With Dyslexia

Passing Exams With Dyslexia

Introduction – Passing Exams With Dyslexia Exams can be difficult, and you need to prepare for them in two different ways. First, you need to know the content of the exam. This is the actual information that you are going to be tested on. This is the stuff you’ve been learning in class, or on […]

Australian Police Tests – How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests Attending an assessment centre is often part of the selection process, particularly if you are planning to apply to the AFP. So, if you must attend an assessment centre, prepare yourself for a long day by getting plenty of sleep the night before. So, take good care […]

5 Tips for How to Find a New Job in 2019

How to Find a New Job in 2019

2019 is just around the corner. As we enter the new year, there’s an opportunity for change in our lives. For many people, this involves searching for a new job. Here, we’re going to take a look at 5 things you should do before you embark on your search for a career change. Let’s look […]

Post-Brexit Graduate Aptitude Tests 2019 Preparation – Make Yourself Brexit-Proof for 2019!

Graduate Aptitude Tests 2019

If one thing’s certain, it’s that the future of UK business is uncertain. With Brexit looming, big changes could come to almost every single industry in the UK. So, as a graduate, it’s important to get plenty of graduate aptitude tests 2019 preparation. Therefore, we’ll take a quick look at what Graduate Aptitude Tests are, […]