Category Archives: ‘How To’ Help

Sample Critical Thinking Test Questions – Pass the Critical Thinking Test

Critical Thinking Test Questions

If you’re applying for a graduate job, you’ll probably have to pass a critical thinking test. Here, we’re going to take a look at a few sample critical thinking test questions that you should use as practice for the real critical thinking test. Sample Critical Thinking Test Questions Section 1 – Evaluating Arguments Read the […]

How to Understand Tense and Time – Improving Your Writing Skills

Improving Your Writing

If you want to make your writing legible, you need to have a grasp of tense and time. Here, we’ll be looking at improving your writing skills by mastering tense and time. What Are Tenses? – Improving Your Writing Skills Tenses are used to signify time. Specifically, tenses appear in the form of verbs: Past […]

Avoiding Excessive Sentence Length – Improving Your Writing Skills

Improving Your Writing Skills

Longer sentences can be a problem for less experienced writers. A writer with a strong grasp of sentence boundaries and punctuation will have little difficulty when constructing longer sentences. However, the less knowledgeable run the risk of creating sentences which are far too long. This is an issue because it makes a text harder to […]

Commonly Misspelled Words – How to Improve Your Writing Skills

Commonly Misspelled Words

There are a few words in the English language which are notoriously tricky to spell. In some cases, there are tricks and conventions that make it easier to remember the spellings. However, other instances will require you to simply learn the spelling of the word through practise. So, we’re going to take a look at […]

Sentence Fragments and Cohesion – How to Improve Your Writing Skills

Improve Your Writing Skills

Fragments usually emerge accidentally while writing, when what should be part of a sentence receives a full stop too early, resulting in a fragment of a sentence being left over. Here, we’re going to look at ways to improve your writing skills by cutting down on sentence fragments, and improving your sentence cohesion. What Are […]

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Numerical Reasoning Test

Pass the Australian Police Officer Numerical Reasoning Test

If you want to become an Australian police officer, you will probably have to pass a numerical reasoning test. So, let’s take a look at what the test is, and what you need to do to prepare for it. What is the Numerical Reasoning Test? – How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Numerical Reasoning […]

Passing the Australian Police Officer Tests – The Computer Skills Tests

Passing the Australian Police Officer Tests

If you want a chance of passing the Australian Police Officer tests, you’ll need to pass a Computer Skills test. As the name suggests, this test assesses your ability to work with computers in ways that will be vital to your work as a police officer. Remember that police officers aren’t on the street 24/7. […]

Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests – More Types of Question

Australian Police Officer Tests

In our last post, we took a look at three common Australian Police Officer Tests. You can find this here. Now, we’re going to take a look at two more types of Australian Police Officer Test. These are: The Audio/Visual Test; The Literacy Test. The Audio/Visual Test – More Types of Australian Police Officer Tests […]

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests – Different Types of Test

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests

If you want to know how to pass the Australian police officer tests, the best place to start is to learn what the tests are. Here, we’re going to take a look at the following three types of test you might face in your application process: The Reading Ability Test; The Summary Writing Test; The […]

How to Pass Exams With Dyslexia – Studying With Dyslexia

How to Pass Exams with Dyslexia 1

In a previous post, we took a look at tips on How to Pass Exams With Dyslexia – You can find that here: Passing Exams With Dyslexia. Here, we’re going to take a look at even more tips for how to pass exams with dyslexia. Answer the Easiest Questions First – How to Pass Exams […]